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 In 2012 the Democrats mocked Russia being the "Greatest Geopolitical Threat” (5)

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In 2012 the Democrats mocked Russia being the "Greatest Geopolitical Threat”

Democrats and the White House are now saying Vladimir Putin’s Russia “interfered” with the 2016 election to help President-elect Donald Trump insisting Russia represents a major threat to the United States. But in 2012, this year’s losing political party mocked then GOP nominee Mitt Romney for saying Russia presented the “greatest geopolitical threat” to the country. When Romney made his statement in 2012, Democrats pounced, including President Barack Obama. During a debate, Obama said “The 1980's are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back.” The Democratic Party tweeted from their official account, “Romney, who calls Russia our ‘No. 1 geopolitical foe,’ doesn’t seem to realize it’s the 21st century. #RomneyNotReady.”

If the Democrats / MSM did not have a double standard it would have no standards at all !
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2 points

4 short years ago the Democrats dismissed Russia as a geopolitical threat. My how their minds change in a short time. Whatever series of words will help the party at the moment is all they are interested in stringing together. Now it's Russia hacked the election and the geopolitical threat is seeming real to them even though Democrats mocked and ridiculed such a thought. Keep blaming everyone but yourselves Democrats and now you have to eat your words spoken just 4 short years ago.

1 point

NO! The CIA and FBI, and several others are CONFIRMING that your friend Putin interfered with our election, and WE, obviously NOT Trump and his basket of deplorables, STILL consider them the GGT! ANYTHING and ANYONE that agrees or compliments the Donald is obviously a friend of America .... and a GREAT man or organization!! Those who CRITICISE Trump are the Greatest Geopolitical Threat ... HOW DARE THEY!!

In 2012, a man who spoke with a teleprompter (Obama), a woman who used the internet "inappropriately" (Hillary), a man who did lewd things with women (Weiner), were disgusting things! Trump does it ALL, and HE is the President we should be proud of??? I'm trying ... but it's NOT easy!

DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point

You should certainly learn to read the words of your Democrat Party. Avoiding the truth is what is detrimental to your cause.

But in 2012, this year’s losing political party mocked then GOP nominee Mitt Romney for saying Russia presented the “greatest geopolitical threat” to the country. When Romney made his statement in 2012, Democrats pounced, including President Barack Obama. During a debate, Obama said “The 1980's are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back.” The Democratic Party tweeted from their official account, “Romney, who calls Russia our ‘No. 1 geopolitical foe,’ doesn’t seem to realize it’s the 21st century. #RomneyNotReady.”

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

At that time Obama was dealing very nicely with Medvedev. He had told Medvedev he couldn't do much til after the election. Putin didn't like that and took over the country again. Things immediately changed after the election and Putin immediately became the GPT again. Too bad, things were looking good. Diplomacy was working ... Putin doesn't like diplomacy! From what I see Trump doesn't know what it is!

I don't put much (any) faith in YouTube.

DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

I did. I say again, I don't put much faith in ANYTHING on YouTube ... or any other "social media". After Trump is "in place" I expect Julian Assange to be welcomed back as a national hero. During WW@ he would have been imprisoned or SHOT for conspiring with the enemy. PUTIN is the enemy, TODAY, he IS the "worst geopolitical threat", I won't call him the greatest ... by the time Trump is out of office many will realize just how much of one he is (again).

Obama HAD great plans for a relationship with Medvedev, Putin shot that down in a matter of weeks. Shit happens when he's around!