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True False
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:11
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 True (8)
 False (3)

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atypican(4873) pic

In the interest of justice we should draw blood

People convicted of murder are often only delivered revenge uder the current "justice" system. They should be forced to make up for what they have done in a real way. Blood gives life. It makes perfect sense to make forced blood "donations" a sentencing option.


Side Score: 8


Side Score: 3
1 point

I believe that criminals have too large of a support system to protect them. Sometimes, to reduce crime, you have to disrupt the support system by killing off members at random and weakening it (they must disappear, and people must not know who did it, otherwise, this will lead to revenge and anger). Especially, if they are clearly assholes. Why should cunts that do bad things be allowed to live? If they were nice people, that is understandable, and there was probably a reason behind it. But, if they are mean, take any excuse you can use to get rid of them.

This is why, so many bad people that are known to be guilty get away with so much non-sense.

But I digress. I think it is a good idea, only if something we don't know about is causing their behavior.

Side: True
atypican(4873) Disputed
1 point

Sometimes, to reduce crime, you have to disrupt the support system by killing off members at random and weakening it (they must disappear, and people must not know who did it, otherwise, this will lead to revenge and anger).

Killing someone makes it impossible to force them to make any sort of repayment for wrongdoing. It is contrary to the concept of justice.

Especially, if they are clearly assholes. Why should cunts that do bad things be allowed to live?

Because killing people simply because we don't like them isn't a smart approach and it does nothing to make them repay for harm they have caused.

, if they are mean, take any excuse you can use to get rid of them

If you think killing people is a better option than seeking justice you shouldn't be arguing on this side of the debate

Side: True
Ignoramis(381) Disputed
1 point

Yes, not always, but periodically the support system has to be disrupted in order to prevent it from growing into something like Al Qaeda or ISIS.

Side: False
1 point

Though I do agree that this could be beneficial to society, I think that this does strays into the cruel and unreasonable punishment territory very quickly. If this were thoroughly examined legally and a good list of go's and no go's established based on legality, I would be on board.

Side: True
atypican(4873) Disputed
1 point

If you think it would be appropriate if well regulated , your argument should be on the other side.

Side: True
1 point

good call........................................................

Side: True
1 point

I like the idea, but I imagine many of the criminals we would use are habitual drug users. I think it would have higher prevalence of diseases. It's not worth it.

Side: False
atypican(4873) Disputed
1 point

They can be tested, and only those with good blood would donate in that way. The others could be forced to contribute to society as medical test subjects

Side: True