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True False
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:10
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 True (2)
 False (8)

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atypican(4875) pic

Intellectual elites: More to blame for world problems.....

than ordinary people and/or ignorant uneducated types

Those who make the most devastating mistakes, and worst miscalculations, are the intellectually elite.


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 8

This is true because intellectual elites think that they are a Godsend where they think that they know how to micromanage life, and can LEGISLATE the problems away like magic.

Side: True
Noxstant(176) Disputed
1 point

How does that directly cause word problems? Please specify specific examples and the casual connection between the problems and elites.

Side: False
1 point

The road to hell is path with good intentions. Intellectual elites think good intentions solve many world problems.

Please watch:

Walt Williams

Three Parts

Side: True
1 point

The blame game gets no problems solved. Only when everyone works together will most of the problems we are facing be drastically turned about.

Side: False
1 point

Stupid people who blindly follow someone without gaining knowledge in the subject are the one to blame. There are more of them than the intellectual elite.

Side: False
1 point

Agreed. There is indeed a problem with those who view themselves as superior and hurt others in some way with that view, but there is a bigger problem with those who blame all their problems on others.

Side: False
1 point

Sometimes, when I get high, I think that all the media and information we receive is controlled by a group of intellectual elites who are actually controlling all of our thoughts. So, all of my beliefs are just implanted by the wealthy 1%.

So I can see how paranoia can really get to someone...

But I believe that people in power are just a bunch of morons. To me, intellectual elites are a dime a dozen, and often are people like Socrates, Einstein, and me.

Side: False
1 point

To expand on an irrelevant issue you brought up, I think there are many intellectual elites in history. Only the ones (not even the most intelligent) who have persevered have done it through dedication and by being partially insane.

Side: False
1 point

Well... strictly speaking, it's true. But it's not telling the whole story.

Intellectual elites get to make the most devastating mistakes and the worst miscalculations because such people are more likely to get into power. Poorly educated people are less likely to fuck up the world, but only because it's hard for them to get into a position to do so.

But if you were to start replacing intellectual elites with uneducated folk for powerful and influential positions, you'll probably find that they make even more devasting mistakes and bad miscalculations because of their poor education.

The thing is that no matter how smart you are, you can't know everything, and every action you make involves a risk. I believe that, generally speaking, highly educated people are better at their jobs than most people would be.

Side: False