
Debate Info

Racism Anti-racism
Debate Score:116
Total Votes:141
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 Racism (25)
 Anti-racism (31)

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lawnman(1106) pic

Inter-racial Marriage and Racism

Are inter-racial marriages the manifestations of the ultimate form of racism? 

For example:

A male of race A marries a female of race B.  Can we infer that both the male and female want their progeny to be neither, only race A, or only race B, but to be race AB?  Or when children are not involved, can we infer that the male of race A is not attracted to the females of race A, and the female of race B is not attracted to the males of race B?

Or, are inter-racial marriages the manifestations of the ultimate form of anti-racism?

For the sake of this debate the term ‘race’ denotes three primary divisions: Caucasian, Mongoloid,Negroid. 

So what is racism again?

I’ll heavily moderate this debate for a few days.

Be congenial!


Side Score: 50


Side Score: 66
3 points

I think that the races are a good thing. I want the members of the yellow race to be proud of being yellow, and act in a manner that demonstrates pride of their race. And likewise, that all men and women of all races would embrace their racial instincts and act in a manner that is befitting of a people who love their race.

Seriously, how can it be said that a yellow man loves his race when he married a white woman, and his children are white as can be?

But, according to society, I am the racist because I dislike inter-racial marriages. Yet, who is it who wants to see the yellow race remain yellow and distinct? -the racist!

Hell, I am a racist because I want my progeny to marry within our race.

Side: Racism
MisterGuy(1) Disputed
3 points

"Seriously, how can it be said that a yellow man loves his race when he married a white woman, and his children are white as can be?"

Never heard of the concept that there is only one true race on planet Earth...the human race?

"But, according to society, I am the racist because I dislike inter-racial marriages."

You can say that again...ugh...

"Hell, I am a racist because I want my progeny to marry within our race."

Wow, all that arrogance & a racist to boot...what a "total package"...not...

Side: The only true race is the human race
3 points

My entire family is inter-racial(for a start,my mum is Hungarian,my dad im not sure,then my uncle married a greek lady(who have 2 children)my cousin has 2 children to a lebanese man,my sister is married to a scottish man, i am with an aboriginal man (my children from previous marriage,scottish/irish/english)gosh i dont think i even covered the rest of the family.But i will stop there as it is confusing enough for myself ...BUT..i completely agree with you 100%. I have often thought that if everyone was content from the very beginning,with who they are,and were also content to let others be who they are,then perhaps we would all be content to live and let live. I hope i made sense. One thing for certain, you are not being racist at all.But you are a clever being and perhaps you are applying this word "racist" in a different sense meaning not that you are a racist, but prefer your own race,and believe that your own race, is human,and that it is something like dogs/dogs , cats/cats , fish/fish , birds/birds , yellow man/yellow woman , white man/white woman , sort of thing , instead of cats/dogs , birds/fish , yellow man/white woman sort of thing. Again i hope i made sense.

Side: Racism
5 points

Sorry for the delay of this response to your question.

Without sounding too flattery, you are the first participant of this debate who has been able to properly apply my argument. Bravo!

If you will consider the opposing arguments, which I presume you have, you will see that they who claim to be non-racist (explicitly or implicitly) are de facto racist. Why?

They all disregard race. Yet we are all racial! Race, to them is a non-issue, unless of course someone like myself wants the preservation of race. In essence they would never object to a world of one race, but if there is a time when there is only one race, then is the day race has died! If there is only one race then the term race is irrational. For the term, race, denotes ethnic plurality, not ethnic singularity.

Who is the racist?

I, whom desire the preservation of race, or

they, who desire no race?

Now, the subject of your particular racial diversity is a non-issue. We can’t undo what we are, or what our progenitors are. We can however begin re-examining the question of inter-racial marriage. Except this time instead of laboring to justify inter-racial marriages, this time we answer the question: Is our justification for inter-racial marriage opposed to the very nature of what is race?

FTR, the Native American Indians of the United States are an endangered race. Yet, there is an ever-increasing number of Caucasians with an ever-decreasing measure of Indian blood pulsing through their lineage. But guess what, the blood of all races looks the same.

Have you seen the flick: The Last of the Mohicans? That is how the Indian population is dying out, one tribe at a time until there are now only a few Indians remaining of the remaining tribes.

Final word on this matter (maybe), does not genocide seek to utterly destroy a race, a culture, a family etc.? The new form of anti-racism is the newest form of genocide. It is far less bloody, but it is more certainly agreeable to they whom are the targets of this genocide.

Think about this condensed story.

A black farmer, father of three daughters, moved his family to a community of white families. When the daughters married they married men of their community. These daughters also become parents having many children who too married the people of their community. And as the first generation of daughters married men so too did ten generations of this family marry. Consequently, there are now no more blacks in the community. Though there are many with black blood, there are none with black skin.

The perfection of soft genocide, for they all agreed to inter-racial marriage!

Side: Racism
n0thin65(48) Disputed
3 points

Your last statement there at the end doesn't quite make sense. It should be "dogs/dogs, cats/cats, fish/fish," and then man/man. Breaking people up into colors doesn't fit the argument. Dogs, cats and fish all come in different colors (races) too. Dogs have no problem breeding with other dogs. That is why we have so many breeds today. (I'll spare you the dogs are colorblind joke I am thinking of) And the same goes for cats. Fish I don't believe do that but then again they are not mammals.

You also said "...perhaps you are applying this word "racist" in a different sense meaning not that you are a racist, but prefer your own race...". To prefer ones own race, by definition, makes that someone a racist according to the UN's definition of racial discrimination.

Side: Anti-racism
JustIgnoreMe(4290) Disputed Banned
3 points

no - you didn't make sense - by his logic you should try to find a Hungarian, greek, lebanese, scottish/irish/english + not sure person to love to show pride in what you are

yellow man/white woman is not the same as bird fish - this is supid and, of course, racist

Side: Anti-racism
n0thin65(48) Disputed
3 points

Hypothetically, what if I, a white guy, married a Japanese girl. For me personally, my marrying her would have nothing to do with love toward my own race or hers but would have to do with love toward her as a person. It wouldn't be like I am trying to breed the "white" out of my family or the "yellow" out of hers. You can "love" your race (heritage) and still marry someone from another. And we shouldn't care about what color our children turn out to be. Those children wouldn't be a product of our race but of our marriage.

And, based on your thinking, if I wanted to adopt a baby from Kenya that would make me a racist too, right? I would have to adopt a white baby to not be. Otherwise, I would be proving that I love the black race more than my own if I didn't, right?

Side: Anti-racism
lawnman(1106) Disputed
4 points

Hypothetically, what if I, a white guy, married a Japanese girl. For me personally, my marrying her would have nothing to do with love toward my own race or hers but would have to do with love toward her as a person.

Why the discrimination in your “love”. You cannot separate race from the individual. If you love the woman, you can’t ignore loving the attributes of the woman. It is akin to asserting that I love dogs, and every dog I have loved is a basset hound. But, I don’t love or love basset hounds; I love dogs.

It wouldn't be like I am trying to breed the "white" out of my family or the "yellow" out of hers. You can "love" your race (heritage) and still marry someone from another. And we shouldn't care about what color our children turn out to be. Those children wouldn't be a product of our race but of our marriage.

Yep, you can assert that BS just as well as you can assert the BS that you weren’t trying to get your Japanese wife pregnant when your intention was only to get your rocks off.

Do you think your intention negates the factuality of inter-racial progeny?

Also, children are not the consequences of marriage. Children are the consequences of sexual reproduction. Both your race and her race determine the racial identity of your progeny regardless of your intentions.

And, based on your thinking, if I wanted to adopt a baby from Kenya that would make me a racist too, right? I would have to adopt a white baby to not be. Otherwise, I would be proving that I love the black race more than my own if I didn't, right?

I think you have made it abundantly clear that you are ignorant of my basis of thinking, or else you wouldn’t continue to invalidly infer from my words.

The adoption of Kenyan children is a subject of another debate.

Side: Racism
atypican(4873) Disputed
3 points

When considering marriage, people (all races) ought to be more concerned with the content of their partner's character, than their outward appearance. I am a mixed breed and proud of it. I buy lock stock and barrel into the "we are the human race" logic. I love mix breed babies, the different races IMHO blend quite well. Inter-racial Marriage is totally anti-racism.

Seriously, how can it be said that a yellow man loves his race when he married a white woman, and his children are white as can be?

Hopefully those doing the talking don't have such a narrow sense of race as you do.

I knew it had to be something like this......that we disagree

changes my view of you entirely!


Enlightened in some

deluded in some other

aspects are we all ~atypican

Side: Anti-racism
3 points

My most recent reply to Dacey will completely nullify your opinion, or at least it should.

The purpose of my debate was to establish the fact that all people are racist, yet there are certain instances of racism that are beyond reproach, and in essence necessary for the existence of race.

It appears that I had to condemn myself by my own words in order to expose a people’s reluctance to not be ashamed of their own racist instincts.

(I had to bad in order to bare witness of the good.)

My latest response to Dacey will further elucidate the objective of this debate.

BTW, I do however disagree with the notion that mankind is one race.

Why can’t we stick to the facts and applaud the truth that all races of people are equally human?

As I had previously misunderstood your atheism, you too have now misunderstood my racism.

Side: Anti-racism
JustIgnoreMe(4290) Disputed Banned
3 points

yes. you are the definition of a racist. there is no race but the human race. racial definitions are just let over from our mentality of dividing humans into us vs them groups for competition of resources

Side: Anti-racism
2 points

Why the fuck is it considered racist if idon't believe in interracial marriage FUCK THAT SHIT!!!!!!!! I am no racist but i do believe we should marry within our race because if we were born white we were meant to have white children and the same if we were born black that is not racist if i was racist i would have a nigger hangin from a 13 knot noose as my profile picture! And o ya there is a difference between a nigger and a black man/woman. You don't have to be black to be a nigger.

Side: Racism
MisterGuy(1) Disputed
4 points

"I am no racist but i do believe we should marry within our race because if we were born white we were meant to have white children"

Why on Earth would that ever be true?? BTW, you ARE a racist...enjoy that...

"and the same if we were born black that is not racist if i was racist i would have a nigger hangin from a 13 knot noose as my profile picture!"

Wow...another stunning example of racism here on this website...unbelievable...

Side: The only true race is the human race
kamranw(232) Disputed
1 point

Why the fuck is it considered racist if idon't believe in interracial marriage FUCK THAT SHIT!!!!!!!!

If you choose to marry within your own race, that is your choice. IF you believe it is wrong for OTHERS to marry, then it is racism.

I am no racist but i do believe we should marry within our race because if we were born white we were meant to have white children and the same if we were born black that is not racist if i was racist i would have a nigger hangin from a 13 knot noose as my profile picture! And o ya there is a difference between a nigger and a black man/woman. You don't have to be black to be a nigger.

Need I say more?? This statement in itself is racist. "We were meant to have white children" WTF does that even mean if its not racist?

Side: Anti-racism
1 point

ya theyre all niggers but the side your on says your racist not antiracist switch over if your going to be a homo.

Side: Racism
smithjgwhs(4) Disputed
1 point

With all due respect it is a form a racism anytime when a subject is viewed as a problem or disagreement due to simple analysis of a skin complexion. Making children or offspring is not decided or meant to be because we were are. Its meant to be if a child is actually born and because a child is born of a mixed background it is meant to be and doesn't change nature due to the offsprings parents. We can free ourselves from ignorance and learn and exactly what we are and where we came from. That will definitely re-evalute anti-racism and how so called interracial affairs really are.

Side: Anti-racism
2 points

I'm not for interracial marriages. I don't really argue against it that much but I hate it when an Indian is going out with a different race.

I'm not here to argue my point because I can't think of any justification that won't sound racist. However there's nothing I can do about it. This is one of those things that will never change.

My statement - WTF is wrong with somebody of your own race?

Side: Racism
smithjgwhs(4) Disputed
1 point

What is wrong with some one of your own race?Depends on who you are or who you ask. But to put it simply and not cause so much controversy, race or ethnicity has not a thing to do with love,dating,relationships,marriages or sexual activity. There is no law or natural science giving explanation that these things are only possible with select so called same races. Furthermore honestly there's nothing wrong with your own so called race. So called same race is mentioned because if you want to learn the science it all begins with one creature one race .

Side: Anti-racism
1 point

It makes me fucking sick seeing all these tree hugging hippies tell me i need to love the color of shit. no thank you. Little niglets with guns a bunch of mexicans trying to shank their way to freedom i say we send all of you COLOREDS back to where you came from you really wonder why it took so long to even get a black president its because everyones teaching their next generation to not be bothered by the color of others skin but in reality theyre teaching their white children to bow down to these people when they already get the easy way out. theres government money for you if your black theres free medical if your an illegal so why let the slide through the cracks and let the white mans tax dollars go to a bunch of freeloaders that dont want to make this country better they want to run this country and we are letting them do it. Open your eyes its a race world and it aint gunna change anytime soon because when i walk up to a nigger on the street i better expect him to attempt to kill me but a black guy walks up to a white man and calls him a peckerwood its socially unacceptable to do anything. for fucks sake do what you guys are going to do but my family line is proud of who we are and where we come from and who we hate and who we love just like evryone else but ill be damned if im going to take to heart the "i have a dream" speech given by a manipulative spook 50 years ago and now theres no special colored speakers why? because the white race has rolled over and im disqusted.

Side: Racism
1 point

If a person is genuinely attracted to another person because of her exclusive attributes like beauty, personality etc and that person simply happens to be of another race then its fine. But the current trend of inter-racial relationships shows otherwise. So many black men say , I only date white women or I dont like my own race because they are loud, or so many white men say I'm more attracted to asian women because they are more feminine , when ppl make these stereotypes of their own race or even if they dont and they simply say that I "only" love this race of men/women because "its my preference"-this sentence has a lot of underlying racism in it,they are not only accusing their own race completely of not having the features they are looking for in a partner, but they are also offending their partner by silently and involuntarily declaring that "I love you because of ur race" and that as an individual ur nothing too special. Their partners will inevitably feel that just because of a external facet which is not exclusive to her but widely present in her peers , he likes me. I think this is offensive to both parties. Some ppl wont even say it, they may even lie and say that they genuinely love the person inside and not her race. To truly find out check the person's dating history, if he has consistantly dated women of his race and then he just dated a woman of another race then it may be true love. But otherwise, he may claim to be in true love but inside he is a racist.

Side: Racism
1 point

Insecurity with one's race or feelings of inferiority about one's race results in race jumping or inter racist breeding.

It is another form of racism, however, it never gets mentioned as such.

It is not in the best interest of advancing the human race. As long as it has been happening there have been no notable independent thinkers with great minds from inter racist breeding, for example, like Einstein, the Wright Brothers, da vinci, Bill Gates, Galileo, Fermi, and the list goes on and on. However nowhere are there any mixed african/Caucasians with great minds. And truthfully, there never will be.

Side: Racism

Loving your own race to the point where you don't consider another race suitable for marriage is racism. Loving your race to the point where you are obsessed with carrying on a "pure" race is racism.

Side: Anti-racism
Kinda(1649) Disputed
2 points

LOL how the fuck is it racist to marry and reproduce same racial children??

You're telling me all of my ancestors are racist?

Side: Racism
kamranw(232) Disputed
1 point

Loving your race to the point where you are obsessed with carrying on a "pure" race is racism.

How is wanting to preserve your culture and race racism???It only turns to racism when you judge others for having made that choice.

Side: Racism
2 points

There is nothing wrong with taking pride in your ethnicity or ancestry. If you are proud of who you are and where you came from, more power to you. But if you are against other people of your race marrying someone of another race you are a racist. Here is what the UN has to say about racial discrimination: the term "racial discrimination" shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life. By international definition, if racial preference is part of your criteria for who you marry then you are discriminating against race and therefore are a racist. You don't have to be the angry white man in a white hood to be a racist just simply prefer your own race to another. Ironic how racism comes in many colors too.

Race should have nothing to do with whether two people end up married or not. If you love someone enough to marry them then race shouldn't really be a factor. So I am voting anti-racism because its definitely not racist to marry someone of another race. But likewise you shouldn't have to marry someone of another race to show you aren't racist. I'll stop there before I start talking in circles.

Side: Anti-racism
lawnman(1106) Disputed
0 points

Quite a Romantic you are.

It's all about LOVE.

If love is a justification, then by love we can justify incest, pedophilia, rape, etc. (nambla).

I responded to your line of thinking under another of your arguments.

Side: Racism
n0thin65(48) Disputed
2 points

"If love is a justification, then by love we can justify incest, pedophilia, rape, etc. (nambla)." What a completely ridiculous thing to say. And yeah, love between two people should be justification enough to marry outside your race. But, you are boiling my argument down to make me seem like some hopeless romantic and nothing more. Reread it and try again.

Side: Anti-racism
JustIgnoreMe(4290) Disputed Banned
1 point

ok we'll boil it down even better for you - love between people who can and do consent.

is incest ok just because someone is the same race??

(maybe you could use a little more diversity in that gene pool... - just a thought)

Side: Anti-racism
2 points

I am a "mixed" person. Half spanish and half scottish. They loved each other for who they were, not their skin tone. I am mostly attracted to black males, i don't know why, but i am. It isn't a form of racism, i love my kind

Side: Anti-racism
1 point

Obama, progeny of an inter-racial marriage, married a woman of his own image. Consequently his children are now more black than he is. That is an excellent example of taking pride in one's race, as is obviously visible.

Side: Anti-racism
JustIgnoreMe(4290) Disputed Banned
2 points

it is an excellent example of his mom falling in love with whomever she wanted and still loving her kid with no less pride because of his race, and Barack marrying someone who has a lot in common with him on many grounds, intellectually, etc - never have I heard him say his justification for loving Michelle was - she is my same race and I take pride in that.

Side: Anti-racism