
Debate Info

Internment would save lives Internment would alienate Musl
Debate Score:21
Total Votes:21
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 Internment would save lives (9)
 Internment would alienate Musl (7)

Debate Creator

Antrim(1287) pic

Internment should be introduced for suspected Muslim Terrorists'

The professional ''hand wringers'' ( the POLITICIANS) of Old London Town will be out in force spewing their standard meaningless rhetoric about the latest Muslim terrorist incident in London where 6 more innocent civilians lie dead and another 49 to add to the list of those who received horrific injuries.
''POLITICIANS'' ( past and present) brought the filth to the nations of the west.
''POLITICIANS'' have a number of options to reduce or maybe even eliminate the Muslim problem but haven't the political courage nor moral fibre (excluding President Trump) to deal effectively with their own mess.
1)''POLITICIANS'' could commence a programme of repatriation and an immediate embargo on Muslim imports.===No chance.
2)''POLITICIANS'' could, by way of weal kneed appeasement,  cease fighting I S I S, on their home turf and let them overrun the weaker nations of the Near and Middle East where they would enslave the populations of those countries and establish a strong base from which to attack the west more efficiently and with greater ferocity.
''POLITICIANS'' who are paralysed by their own cowardice and muddled thinking have therefore condemned their respective populations to the indefinite continuance of death and life changing injuries for the foreseeable future.
What do you propose is the best action to address, and eventually redress the ''MUSLIM PROBLEM''?

Internment would save lives

Side Score: 13

Internment would alienate Musl

Side Score: 8
2 points

Take the filth off the streets and the terrorist threat to civilians would be greatly diminished.

What's stopping this anti-terrorist, life saving action being taken?== weak kneed ''POLITICIANS''.

Who are the greater filth, the Muslim terrorist filth, or the ''POLITICAL'' filth who brought them to the west?

Side: Internment would save lives
Truth-Out(18) Disputed
2 points

Maybe we should do the same for white people who shoot up schools like sandy hook. Maybe we should take white people off the streets, and school shootings would be greatly diminished. You can't combat a problem with racism.

Side: Internment would alienate Musl
1 point

Even though the introduction of internment would be unpopular and provide ammunition for the sanctimonious bleeding hearts brigade of the loonie left who would be out en-mass rioting and protesting against this draconian, but necessary anti- Muslim Terrorist measure the existing anti-terrorist powers should be enacted and everyone suspected with terrorist connections or even sympathies should be rounded up and incarcerated.

The time of hand wringing and political waffle is over.

Side: Internment would save lives

We owe nothing to people commanded to kill us by Allah. We don't owe aliens in the Andramada Galaxy anything. What's the difference? Nothing.

Side: Internment would save lives
1 point

This measure would indeed alienate and anger many moderate Muslims who would become more susceptible to radicalization by the Muslim terrorist leaders.

All we in the west can hope for is that the various governments will recognise the awful folly of their past immigration policies which has led to uncontrollable numbers of 5th columnists within their countries and call a ceasefire in the Middle East where the infected countries should be left to fend for themselves.

Side: Internment would alienate Musl
Antrim(1287) Disputed
2 points

As it is necessary to cut away the surrounding tissue of a spreading cancerous tumour, so it might be equally necessary to humanely deal with any ensuing spread of Muslim terrorists which this security measure may, or may not create.

Side: Internment would save lives
atypican(4873) Clarified
1 point

Some people are so dim witted that they don't even realize they are terrorism

propagandists. Fortunately I doubt anyone values your opinion.

Side: Internment would save lives
1 point

Hello A:

Nahhh.. I kinda like the Constitution.. I thought right wingers did too.. No, huh?


Side: Internment would alienate Musl
Antrim(1287) Disputed
2 points

Is Guantanamo Bay a figment of everyone's imagination?

If radical measures are not employed soon and things are permitted to continue on the same old path the constitution will be replaced by Shariah Law.

Muslim terrorists have rendered large sections of the constitution a hindrance to people's freedom rather than it's guardian.

This fact must be recognised by all.

When the filth are defeated then the constitution can be reinstated in it's entirety.

Side: Internment would save lives
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Hello A:

If right wingers DESTROY the Constitution, it will NEVER, NEVER, NEVER be reinstated, and I don't wanna LIVE in THAT country..


Side: Internment would alienate Musl
1 point

You need more than suspicion. You need evidence of an impending crime. Otherwise it's just illegal detention which could go on indefinitely without even knowing the charges. That's the hallmark of a really terrible oppressive government.

Side: Internment would alienate Musl
1 point

Suspected means that there is not enough evidence to know. When there is evidence there are protocols to deal with them. If I suspect everyone who argued for internment to be terrorists should they be interned? Never give government powers that you wouldn't want your political opponents to have.

Side: Internment would alienate Musl