
Debate Info

God is joking around and lying God never lies
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:10
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 God is joking around and lying (3)
 God never lies (6)

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goodmale(1459) pic

Is God lying to us

God is joking around and lying

Side Score: 4

God never lies

Side Score: 6
1 point

Think about it God could lie to us and we wouldn't even know it.

Maybe he is giving us none believers a different collage in life and is to prove he does not exist so he can fix those things to were it's prefect.

Ow he just wants us to be are self's no matter who says we should be and that is his real key to heaven.

Fuck what the bible says because just because God wrote something down doesn't mean he will not change his mind of his plans or something.

Side: God is joking around and lying
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
1 point

Fair enough up to the last point. God actually should be incapable of changing his mind as he is apparently omniscient. If you already know how everything will turn out in the future how can you change your mind about anything?

Side: God never lies

Only if your mind allows god to.

Side: God never lies
goodmale(1459) Disputed
1 point

What do you mean by that ???????????????????????????????????

Side: God is joking around and lying
Idiotobx914(1339) Clarified
2 points

"God" is a delusion/hallucination experienced by individuals who cannot handle the harsh truth that life is most likely without a purpose or a point ( a purpose/point on a grand scale that is) and that life itself is incredibly fragile with death being rather commonplace in society.

In my post, I am saying that a theist can have their god lie to them if they allow their god to (as they are the ones creating the delusion/hallucination).

Side: God is joking around and lying
1 point

Depends on if you think that God has actually spoken to people.

Side: God never lies
1 point

Who said that God was lying to us?

Side: God never lies
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

I assume you meant "who said", but didn't spell it correctly. It is a question. Just answer the question with a "no". He is asking if God is lying.

Side: God is joking around and lying
1 point

In true application God cannot lie. He can only speak truth. So whatever he actually said must be true.

Side: God never lies
1 point

Nope, he's dead. Satan's been laughing his ass off at the fact that all of you 'Christians' are following his word and are headed straight for hell.

Honor they father? Ha! Bash his head in, and take your plunder.

Side: God never lies