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Debate Score:67
Total Votes:88
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MohamedAli(78) pic

Is Google Making Us Stupid?


Side Score: 27


Side Score: 40
6 points

I do believe that Google is making us more dependent on technology and not ourselves. Sure we can look up hundreds of thousands of things on Google but are we really thinking? Are we progressing mentally? If Google is making us more dependent on Google itself instead of our own reasoning and education then it is making us stupid. It is true, people choose to be stupid because they don't want to learn or become smarter but Google is not the only way to learn. Like I said, you can learn tons of things through Google, but if instead on learning from Google you simply rely on answers from it then you are not getting smarter, you become more dependent on it than on your brain and education. Read a book, write, pick an instrument up and try, observe others do what it is you want to learn to do. You can become smarter like this because you are actually learning something, you aren't simply asking a question and given an answer like Google does. Once again, it all depends on HOW you use Google. You can use it to learn and become smarter, or you can use it to become really dependent on it all the time and not learn a thing.

Side: yes
MastrDebator(7) Clarified
4 points

I completely agree with you. It ALL depends on who is using it and how they are using it. Yes, if you just google, "What is the answer to x-7=42," then you will not get smarter. Yet, you do not get more 'stupid' either. Given that "more stupid" means a decrease in intellectual thinking and brain function. It simply makes us lazier if you use it like that. To increase, or make oneself less 'stupid', the intellectual thinking do not just find the answer to x-7=42, find out WHY that is the answer and why the math ACTUALLY works. It is really hard to put your response in the affirmative or negative column because it really does depend.

Side: yes
4 points

I think to some extent yes it is. We have become lazy if you want to find something out you automatically turn to Google, even if its just the basic spelling for something. Its quick and easy and you don't really need use you own knowledge with it because all of the answers are in front of you, rather than trying to work it out yourself.

Please don't get me wrong I probably couldn't live with out Google, I wouldn't of even made it past secondary with out it. I wouldn't say stupid but defiantly more lazy.

Side: yes
4 points

That depends on how he/she uses Google. Its all in the person.

Side: no
4 points

Google is not making us 'Stupid'.

This is quite a common misconception that is mostly held by the older audiences. The fact of the matter is, is that it just expands our resources for learning. If i were to state what google did to the mass public, I would say that if the average viewer is responsible and has positive research skills (knowing when the site is not credible and knowing how to search out those sites) then i would say that google is supporting the intellectual and curious factor in what is most of today's people. Thus, google is doing quite the opposite than making us 'stupid', it is actually increase the depth of our knowledge on a lot of things that we do not just trip upon in our regular lives

Side: no

You have to be at least semi-intelligent to use google and interpret what shows up...

Side: no
3 points

No because it is one of the most important resources of information

so it is very useful for us

Side: no

Because of Google,I have learned things about embyrology, neurology, history, linguistics, and so on. People are stupid because they choose to be. if you wish you were smarter, go out and make yourself smart.

Side: no