
Debate Info

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Debate Score:43
Total Votes:47
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QuestionMan(604) pic

Is IloveVersace a Danny Puppet Account?


Side Score: 22


Side Score: 21
4 points



Side: Yes

She seemed like a real person............

Why would you make a whole account just to build up a fake identity?

Side: Yes
Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

Why do you?

Side: No
1 point

Hang on. Whose puppet account are you?

Side: No
QuestionMan(604) Disputed
1 point

Hang on. Whose puppet account are you?

Me? I am not a puppet account? What would even make you think that?

Side: Yes
Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

It says you registered 12 days ago. Why does Danny interest you?

Side: No
mithoo19(806) Disputed
1 point

you are JCs puppet account ....

Side: No

She's just your average overthetop idiotic rich bitch. Couldn't be Danny.

Side: No
QuestionMan(604) Disputed
1 point

She's just your average overthetop idiotic rich bitch. Couldn't be Danny.

Didn't you just admit to being Danny?

Side: No
Intangible(4934) Disputed
1 point

I don't know what you're talking about.

Side: Yes

Not that I particularly care, but who the heck is Danny ?

Side: No
1 point

This idiot who had a load of sock puppet accounts that all got discovered a while ago which he based around people he knew in real life and used their pictures.

Side: Yes

I seem to miss a lot of drama. And I'm totally cool with that.

Side: Yes