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Debate Score:3
Total Votes:5
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HoldTheMayo(5913) pic

Is faking a punt on 1st and goal ever the right call?


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 2

It might be so wierd and unexpected that it might just work. Stupid and unnecessary, but why not?

Side: Yes

Faking a punt? No, never. Faking a field goal could be, if the score and clock are such that it might be reasonable to attempt an actual field goal, but a punt? Really?

I mean, I don't even like or follow football...

Side: No

I wouldn't think so, just checking. As for fake field goals on first and goal, when would that make sense? If there's one second left in the game and you're down by 2, a field goal would certainly be reasonable. But could you justify faking a field goal?

Side: No
thousandin1(1931) Clarified
2 points

Say, 30-60 seconds before the end of the first half, 1st and goal, down by 2. A field goal might be reasonable in that scenario, so a fake field goal could potentially misdirect the defense enough to score a touchdown.

Side: Yes