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Debate Score:3
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Srom(12206) pic

Is homosexuality compatible with evolution?


Side Score: 3


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1 point

There are always unsuitable mutations in DNA that cause beings within species to not reproduce.

Side: Yes
wardogninja(1789) Clarified
1 point

So does that make homosexuality a genetic defect?


Side: Yes

I'm settled over here at least until I get a clarification. I don't understand the question.

Side: Yes
HoldTheMayo(5913) Clarified
1 point

If evolution works by organisms passing on their superior genes, then how do gay people fit into this model, as they don't pass on their genes?

Side: Yes
Quocalimar(6470) Clarified
1 point

That would be if all people were gay. As gay people still have sex cells they still can pass on their genes.

Side: Yes

Homosexuality is social evolution. The times are changin' and Gay Marriage is very powerful.

Side: Yes
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