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 Is it reasonable to believe in God? (47)

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Is it reasonable to believe in God?

Is it reasonable to believe in God? The question is not, is the God of the Quran reasonable to believe in, or the God of the Bible. The question is simply is it reasonable to believe in a God. After you present your argument for a God, then, if you so chose, add additional arguments as to why your God is the best or correct God. But, again, this isn't a debate about your prospective Gods. Add it or don't add it, it won't make a difference in exploring the question at hand. 
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2 points

If it's a simulation of any kind, one must ask "who is the simulator"?

Great point. If we live in a simulation of some sort, say a computer some entity or entities must have built the hardware, software, and maintain the computer.

2 points

It depends on your definition of believing in god. It is reasonable to believe in god as merely an existing entity. It is NOT reasonable to believe in god as a "savior". I'm not bashing anyone's religion. I just believe that it is unreasonable to turn to god for assistance. No one can save them except themselves. According to science, space, time, and matter had to have been created at the same time for the universe to exist, so "god" probably exists. This supernatural being created the universe. But, it has no obligation to intervene in this world. God isn't anyone's savior. Anyone can believe anything they want, follow any religion, but there will never be any divine intervention.

In other words deism. I am fine with deism, but when religion is used as an excuse to spread disinformation and hate I think it is time to lose the tax exemptions.

Supporting Evidence: Lose tax exemptions for religion. (
Dr_Batman(1523) Disputed
1 point

No, you are not fine with deism, you are an atheist who has already been debated and debunked. It will continue until you are gone. My word is absolute. God is real.

2 points

Yes, it is reasonable.

I saw a video of a couple dancing tango and a video of two monkeys dancing any kind of music and I said: Of course evolution is dead wrong, we can't be descendants of dumb monkeys.

Humans acquired knowledge from a source other than living experiences. That source must be a greater intelligence.

1 point

There is mountains of evidence for evolution. More importantly creationism is not about religion versus science, it is about white supremacy.

Showing a white guy on the cross is a way to reinforce the white supremacist patriarchal status quo. Creationism is racist.

Supporting Evidence: Creationism and racism. (
2 points

Yes it is reasonable in many ways.

I’m not forcing any religious beliefs on anyone. It’s not right to force any of your beliefs on anyone.

How did the human get here? It had to have been created by someone. You don’t just see darkness after you die. If you keep believing, maybe you’ll find the afterlife, Heaven.

If you ask for forgiveness for all your sins, you will be saved from sin. As long as you learn from your mistakes and ask for forgiveness you will reach the Heavens.

Jesus Saves✝️

(Also, I’m not trying to force any of my beliefs on anyone, I am just convincing.)

0 points

I find it extremely unlikely God exists. Whether it be a deistic God or named God in one of the popular religions, like Thor.

Science provides alternative answers to almost everything. To answer how did we get here?

One possible scientific scenario is we live in a multi-verse and the universe came from another universe. Then, the big bang, the stars formed and this planet over a long period of time due to gravity.

Abiogenesis took place, then evolution, finally the first humanoid evolved about a million years ago. Finally, civilizations rose and we are able to have this conversation.

This is much more likely than any and all religions. Effectively, religion is useless for understanding. Religious beliefs cannot be falsified, they aren't wrong, they are worse they are unscientific and not testable.

That being said religion can bring communities together. If people wanted to get together and sing outside and call it a church I am fine with that. But, no it is not reasonable to believe in God.

Supporting Evidence: Abiogensis wiki (
ernestjann20(10) Disputed
2 points

No. The science that we have today is still limited to answers. To answer your question, Big Bang cannot explain why the universe had started like that. It cannot explain the billions of years of how the world had started as a dark void. Evolution of how the humans started is not wrong, but evolution theory has still loopholes. Can you explain to me how the origin of the humanity had started? No. Every people will say we are created by God. Religion also isn't useless, because it is our guide to being morally good. Science cannot explain how humans became like that, what science knows is humanity came from the monkeys, but cannot explain or give the relationship of our origin to the monkeys itself, so your point is already debunked if you say that science can provide alternative answers to almost everything, because in reality it is not.


Loopholes in the evolutionary theory of the origin of life: Summary - (n.d.). Retrieved September 30, 2022, from the-origin-of-life-summary

Dr_Batman(1523) Disputed
1 point

And again, your opinion will be invalidated. "Sciencerules" is unfit to be in a debate because he or she cannot handle the existence of God. Cope about it because there is evidence and scriptures are coming true. Therefore, your arguments and opinions are not in favor of yourself.


2 points

It is only reasonable to believe in God. It is like seeing a tall building - that tall building exists because someone had created it. That is also true to us humans. The fact that we exist answers the question that God had created it (Truth For The World - It Is Reasonable to Believe in God, n.d.). I think no particles or atoms can create life. Life can be possibly formed because there is God who created everything you can see, not because atoms or the Big Bang Theory or any theory had created it. Every feature that you see in this world and every process that is occuring in this world happens because it requires a higher being to control it - from your birth until death - everything is under God’s control and purpose. There are phenomenas that cannot be proven by any scientific proof, which means that there is God who controls everything. Therefore, it is only reasonable to believe in God.


Truth For The World—It is Reasonable to Believe in God. (n.d.). Retrieved June 9, 2022, from

2 points

Infinite regressions, who created God? The complete lack of evidence for God. Let alone the flaws of specific religions. Just look at Mormons and how racist they are.

Finally, you seem to be arguing from creationism. Creationism is friends with white supremacy and white supremacy is both immoral and unreasonable.

Supporting Evidence: white supermacy creationism. (
ernestjann20(10) Disputed
1 point

That argument has fallacies. First is that the motion of "who created God" is dismissed because God is the start of everything. You cannot say that a life has sprung without absolute reason. Everything here on this Earth existed because God had created it. God had made its existence. Second, Creationism and white supremacy are a straw man fallacy. Using Mormons and your so-called racism is also a straw man fallacy. It is very different from the topic we are discussing today.

There are two reasons - main reasons - why God exists. First, we look on the perspective that everything exists because someone had made its existence. You and I are the product of this creation. You wouldn't exist if you omit the higher being that made you existing in this world. Second, science cannot prove why we are feeling guilty or why we are sympathetic towards others. Science cannot prove why the values we hold is right or wrong. It is because that God had given those moral obligations and we are His implementors.

Resource: Evidence for God’s Existence – Grad Resources. (n.d.). Retrieved September 30, 2022, from

2 points

All things must have a beginning and an end, which creates an age old paradox. Since ancient times man has wondered: if it takes a man and a woman to create a man and a woman, who or what created the first man and woman. The same logic can and must be applied to all things. Where did (fill in the blanc) come from? Without God, the best we can do is move these question further back in time. What created the earth? The atheist will say "the big bang". What caused caused such an event? They'll answer "A hot spot got stretched". What created the spot and why was it hot, since all hot things naturally cool off when unmanipulated? In this manner the atheist, by moving the original question further and further back in time, will moon-walk himself further and further towards the cliff of hypocrisy until at last he falls into the abyss of ignorance. When all is done, there is ultimately but one honest answer left for them to give: "I don't know". They ultimately have no answer of their own to how or why the world began. Unable to accept defeat, their ignorance often becomes their battle cry: "we don't know, but neither do you!" Yet in giving this answer they violate their own standards and become hypocrites. They insist you explain to them in detail where God came from, yet they feel no obligation to explain the origins of their own "god". They shall boast that the beauty of science is that it's a never-ending process, and science has simply not "yet" reached a stage were it can answer such questions. Thus, lack of evidence becomes their evidence; they expect nakedness to shield them and defencelessness to become their armour: dodging the question becomes their final answer. They cannot explain the world they live in without God. Atheists and agnostics would sooner suggest aliens created our universe, such as Richard Dawkins, or that life is a computer simulation, such as Stephen Hawking, than admit this word was created by God. It is therefore no secret that they reject the idea of God not on an intellectual bases but on a different one. They clearly do not truly mind the idea of a creator, they only mind the idea this creator will one day judge them. In this way Spinoza's god was born: a god that created the world but does not yield the power to judge it. So, the atheist carefully considers if aliens, nerds or magical forces may have created the world, but not a God? The traditional God seems in fact the only type of creator atheists and agnostics are not willing to consider. Why? Because only the belief in a traditional God brings with it any moral responsibilities. Atheism is therefore motivated not by intellect but by behaviour: the atheist does not want God to limit what he can or cannot do. If you interview an atheist carefully this usually becomes apparent rather quickly. Often they seem to hate God rather than doubt His existence. They would much rather be their own gods and make up their own rules.

The creation testifies of the existence of the creator, so atheists and agnostics are without excuse. We witness today the fruits atheism bears, mainly: selfishness, egocentrism, materialism, greed, narcissism, carelessness, disregard for future generations, self-destructive behaviour, lack of morals, disrespectfulness, un-thankfulness, Un-charitableness, arrogance, deceitfulness, addictive behaviour, perversity, hatred of natural affection, the destruction of the family-unit, hatred of womanhood, hatred of manhood, rebelliousness, embrace of ugliness, and finally an embrace of death. People forget the world wasn't always like this. 50 years ago many people didn't lock their doors at night! When a lady got robbed it used to be headline news, now it's an everyday occurrence. Atheism is a moral choice and therefore must be approached as such. To the atheist reading this with gnashing teeth, I say: swallow your pride, expand your mind, open your heart, and return to God.

1 point

I agree that the conflict is about morals. Nobody argues much about deism. Again with the worship of the gap. Focusing on what science cannot explain.

For what really matter is morals. Christians are more racist than atheists. Creationism is white supremacy. Christianity has been used as an excuse for chattel slavery and segregation.

The ethnicide of indigenous peoples First Nations in Canada and American Indians in the US. All the pedophiles in Christianity.

The facade is finally wearing off. Christianity is only a mask for hate, racism, white supremacy, and disinformation.

1 point

ZechariahJas, you are absolutely correct. Atheists, Catholics who don't worship God as He is and instead worships Mary and man made doctrines that are not supported biblically plus Agnostics and toxic lgbt are all anti God. Even the evolutionists deny God but in one debate, Ken Ham won against Bill Nye because Bill Nye FAILED to answer Ken Ham's questions of "Who created you?" etc etc. Bill Nye even proved Ken Ham's points of God being behind it etc etc but he denied it and then went on to say "Creationism is bad for children". Yet evolution dehumanizes humans to animals. God didn't make us into animals. He made us above them. "And so God made man above all creatures to watch over and to consume."

Catholics are in fact, historically, the most violent and Christians are not violent originally. Jesus taught this. Popes throughout history have misled generations to violent crusades all in the name of God. They are no doubt sun worshipers of a false Jesus because Jesus never had a sun around His head, nor do we worship the sun!! Catholics have broken so many commandments of God that I do not see them as fellow believers anymore. I testify Jesus is the Christ and the Son of God, I testify Heavenly Father loves us all, I testify the Holy Spirit is amongst the children of God. I am not ashamed to be a child of God!

2 points

Yes. It is absolutely reasonable.

Knowing God is up there in Heaven watching over us calms me down. I don’t accept atheism, but I don’t judge people no matter what. I love all people. Jesus wanted us to love God, and love our neighbor.

The reason believing in God helps me calm down is because when I’m stressed, I can always speak with Him or Jesus.

I don’t accept any sins. However, I am taught to love all people no matter what.

God bless🙏🏻

1 point

Jesus wanted us to love our neighbor?

"At least 150,000 Indigenous children were forced to attend residential schools across the country, which were funded by the federal government and run by churches as part of the campaign to strip the youth of their cultural identity."

Ethnocide of indigenous peoples. Christianity made chattel slavery and segregation worse. Using the mark of Cain and curse of Ham as an excuse to promote chattel slavery then segregation.

Supporting Evidence: Christanity racism. (
Dr_Batman(1523) Disputed
1 point

Oh are you prejudicing Christians again for the immoral actions of false Catholics? Yea. It is only Catholics and Protestants who have committed such acts of violence. Not every Christian is Catholic nor Protestant. Therefore your arguments are useless in this debate.

1 point

srtrnc43331, I absolutely agree and "sciencerules" here cannot engineer a stable argument and instead uses sources that prejudices, generalizes and slanders about all Christians. Not all Christians are violent Catholics and Protestants who are divided amongst themselves, and are worshipping the wrong God. Statues of the Virgin Mary are not part of scripture. Jesus is the only mediator between man and God.

1 point

Only in the context that it is convenient to believe there are Gods, and as it is convenient let us believe that there are.

Sciencerules(592) Clarified
1 point

I do not understand what you are saying, can you clarify please?

Some of the most intelligent people I know believe there is a “Creator”. So it must be reasonable. I think the belief is going away from believing in a “Specific “ doctrine (ie. Christian, Jew, etc) and is going more toward a universal and malleable doctrine.

0 points

"Some of the most intelligent people I know believe there is a “Creator”. So it must be reasonable."

There is some sort of logical fallacy in this statement. Appeal to intellect or the likes? Just because somebody is intelligent, the speed of which they process information does not mean they are correct or have high critical thinking skills.

Anyways your argument is a non-sequitur. The conclusion does not follow the premise. Intelligent does not mean reasonable, as in high critical thinking skills.

The infinite regressions argument alone makes belief in God unreasonable. Simply asking the question "who created God?" Any child can see the silliness of faith in God.

A creator is more complex than the creation. Therefore, God must be more complex than the universe itself. But then who created God ad infinitum.

ZechariahJas(15) Disputed
2 points

The scientist merely attempts to explain "how" life began, but science does not yield the power to explain "why". Your reasoning shall merely succeed in moving the question "how did the world begin" further back in time. All manner of events rely on two or more forces or objects interacting with each other. The question will forever remain: who or what created the components necessary for the world to form, and more importantly, who wrote the laws of nature that drove events? For as long as a theory on the origins of our world begins with any time-influenced-thing already in existence it shall create a paradox, because all things must have a beginning and an end. A theory on the origin of time must therefore begin exclusively with elements that are uninfluenced by the laws of nature: something outside of time and space. We have thereby re-invented the wheel: we have re-invented God.

The Biblical creation account begins with the separating of different raw elements: light is separated from darkness, the water is separated from the land, the male is separated from the female. There is a type of order that can be defined as the separation of elements. To bring order to trash you separate the plastic form the paper, the paper from glass. Before God separated time into past, present and future things required no beginnings and no endings: things simply "were". Think about that for a moment. This explains the simplified name of God: "I AM", or "I AM WHAT I AM". This state of existing, of being completely unaffected by time and therefore having neither a beginning nor an end, can only be described as "eternity" from our perspective. The state allows for no true progression in personality since personal progress of any kind would require the passing of time. That explains why it's written that God never changes and remains the same yesterday, today and forever. As stated before, the creation of time can be defined as the separation of past, present and future. When in unity these three forms of time create a state of eternity and they explain the full Hebrew name of God: "I WAS, I AM AND I SHALL BE", a direct reference to the three forms of time required to be eternal. God escapes the question of "who created God" by being the author of the very concept of time itself and thereby he requires no beginning of His own. The question "who created God" is no different from asking where God existed before he created space to exist in: the question assumes the pre-existence of the laws of our world and contradicts the very concept of God.

1 point

It is better approached to see things in multiple dimensions and change the frame of reference.

but the meaning of the question is to know the answer....

if you really want to know the answer. then question will be.

I want to understand the God.


Arrows Printed Jacket

1 point

It is 100% reasonable to believe in God. Without God, we don't have laws nor order etc. We would only have chaos and we wouldn't be here too if it wasn't for our Heavenly Father who created everything; the Heavens & the Earth. God created science, He instated marriage etc etc etc. It is said that biologists today still cannot figure out how the origins of human sexuality & reproduction came to be between a man and a woman. That only points towards God creating Adam & Eve, towards them falling from the Garden of Eden, and ofc having them punished separately according to gender; men need to labor hard, women need to birth children, both duties are painful with purpose to learn a lesson. Catholics falsely believe in the man made doctrine of augustine "Original Sin", believing that all mankind are guilty of Adam & Eve's sin. This is not true and he condemned babies because of it too, saying "If babies aren't baptized, they go to hell". Now what logic is there in that? None. It's immoral. Babies come into this world not knowing anything yet, therefore they aren't sinful to begin with. Each of us are responsible for our own individual being. That includes all the imperfections, mistakes etc that we do every day. God is so important to know as no human being could've created everything as it is. People who don't know Jesus, the Son of God often question the existence of God. Atheists debate there is a lack of evidence yet archeology proves otherwise. You cannot deny the facts. God put us here for the purpose of learning about ourselves, being better and eventually returning to Him back home.

1 point

Absolute Evidence of God Existing, debunking atheism and debunking Darwin's theory of evolution: location-of-noahs-ark/

"Sciencerules" has failed everytime to engineer good arguments and claims to support science. But he/or she does not. Evolution on a wide wide scale was never proven. There is zero evidence of it. Zero. Darwin was wrong. Creationism supports God creating everything. The violence of Catholics have forced many to lose faith in God. Naive people like "sciencerules" want people to not believe. Ignore the toxic subjective atheist.

Near death experiences that led towards finding God:

1 point

God still speaks to us today and all scriptures have come to pass, even those verses that speak of ignorance from atheists and such. However, God still speaks to us and I testify, Joseph Smith, a chosen prophet of God and the Restoration, restored the original Church upon this earth by the instruction and will of God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Ghost. Are visions still real? Yes. I have had visions from God too. So much purpose is given when you believe. Miracles are not necessary to be seen and yes it happens from time to time, though Jesus did say, "Blessed art thou who hath seen me and more blessed art thou for those who hath not seen me."

This means, you don't have to see miracles in front of you to believe in God and in Jesus Christ.

1 point

Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. - John 29:29

But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven. - Matthew 10:33

1 point

Well, as it is convenient to believe that there is a God, let's believe that there is one.