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Debate Score:5
Total Votes:6
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 You can't ask that question. (3)
 Exchange ideas freely. (2)

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Amarel(5669) pic

Is the First Amendment dead on college campuses?

Seems it doesn't take much to be too provocative for intellectual consumption these days. Seems that might be how we got here.

You can't ask that question.

Side Score: 3

Exchange ideas freely.

Side Score: 2

The first amendment of what ?

Side: You can't ask that question.
Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

In the US, the First Amendment protects the right to speak freely among other things.

US colleges block media and block speakers whom the loudest students or faculty disagree with.

Side: You can't ask that question.
shoutoutloud(4303) Clarified
1 point

I was only teasing :)

Do you have any references of that? Just curious to read about it.

Side: You can't ask that question.

president trump wants to abolish it, so it is gone .liberals who fight for freedom have no chance .

Side: You can't ask that question.
sylynn(625) Disputed
1 point

Give me a break. It's the left that's always attacking free speech and they are also to blame for this PC culture we're stuck in. It is because of the left we have terms such as "hate speech" and why everyone is so easily offended by everything. Why would Trump want it abolished? It's because of this freedom he's allowed to use Twitter as he does.

Side: Exchange ideas freely.
WhatIsDaAuck(274) Clarified
1 point

the left is also an enemy of free speech .yet trump wants to throw flag burners in jail and "open up our libel laws" to sue the press .

Side: You can't ask that question.

up vote !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: You can't ask that question.
1 point

No it's not dead. In the instance given it was with Ben Shapiro who says A LOT of things that people don't want to hear yet aren't always wrong. I think those college kids were being a bit of a baby by trying to deny people access who wanted to see him. These are the same people that want safe some point they are going to have to figure out that no one gives a damn what offends them, that's the real world, don't like it? Move along. You have the right to say whatever you want but expect that not everyone will agree....also don't expect you will have no repercussion if you take that right too far, such as saying you'll kill someone.

Side: Exchange ideas freely.
Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

The purpose of the debate is to discuss the campus environment you described. It may be that no one truly cares about what offends college kids, but that's why they are protesting right now. The Shapiro example was meant to be an example of what is increasingly common. The the wrong ideas are not aloud to be expressed in the institutions that are meant to exchange ideas.

Side: You can't ask that question.