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Debate Score:15
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Cuaroc(8829) pic

Is there any validity to the idea of a Sandy Hook hoax?


Side Score: 9


Side Score: 6
1 point

Yes and no.

Yes because there are instances that happened that the media/government has either not explained, nor have given the "full" detail to what happened on that day.

For example: Apparently, there seems to be eye witness accounts at the scene (a boy and a bystander (citizen) whom both claimed they saw a man handcuffed being walked to a police car; wearing cargo pants and a black shirt.

There is an apparent air (helicopter) footage of another person being chased by a couple cops, and they seemed to have caught him/her and arrested him/her.

Why was this not mentioned at all?

Also, apparently other than a few children claiming to have seen "a man" come into certain classrooms with a gun, NONE of them claimed to have seen the man actually fire his/her weapon. A bit strange, but nothing too crazy.

The parents of the deceased did not see any photographs of the bodies.


There are accounts of people helping the children, yet neither the parents (of the helped children) nor anybody else have thanked or even mentioned these claims of the so-called helpers.

Not too strange, perhaps poor media coverage (say it ain't so).

Apparently, the car that was said to be registered to the main suspect was actually apparently registered to another man (known felon) whom was not in the state at the time.


The Medical Examiner has apparently stated that the majority of the deceased had gunshot wounds equivalent to that of long rifle wounds (AR-15 I believe), yet when they found the suspect, he had small firearm wound(s). It is believed that they found four small firearms within the school and found a long rifle in the trunk of the car.


So basically, I'm not stating that the events never took place or that people did not die, I believe there were brutal events that took place on that day.

However, considering the facts that are available to the public online, a little research brings light to more questions than answers.

And no, because these above said instances could very well be misinformation and mishandling of the actual facts that happened on that day.

Either way, innocent people died surrounding the Sandy Hook ordeal, and that is quite unfortunate and very sad. I hope the families and friends of the victims find peace and serenity however way possible.

Side: Yes
0 points

Hell just froze over. I actually agree with you. o.O

Side: Yes
1 point

I would like very much to believe that it was just some random act of violence perpetrated by a random psychopath. But I can't there's just to many things that don't add up.

Why was the page RIP Victoria soto created 4 days before the shooting occurred? why did the Coroner say the children where shot with an AR-15 when they found Lanza dead with 4 HAND GUNS in fact they found the AR-15 the TRUNK OF THE CAR Adam supposedly used and where are the other 2 guys they arrested why haven't we heard anything about them? It doesn't add up and if you watch the interviews with the family's of the deceased they look fake to put it bluntly. This doesn't sit right is all I'm saying.

Side: Yes

i dont know if it was a complete hoax...but it definitely appears to have been controlled to serve a purpose....just like screams false flag attack

Side: Yes
1 point

At the same time that Obama is pushing gun control, shootings start happening. I am not making a definative claim here, but this makes me very suspicious.

Side: Yes
2 points

Absolutely not. The mere thought of the Government faking 26 deaths for a change in law is completely unjustified, especially when it included so many children. There is evident proof of the actual occuring, not to mention a hurting town and state to boot. This affected the lives of thousands who were involved in one way or another, and this simply would not happen if it was a hoax. It is a pety notion and some people are not only pushing it on a still hurting nation, but on the families of the victims who were murdered.

Side: No
4 points

I do not think it is a hoax, but you thinking that it isn't because you believe the government is humane is just asinine.

The United States Government made marijuana look evil so they could throw people in jail, they put thousands of Japanese-American citizens in concentration camps, they killed over one million Iraqi civilians in the 2nd Iraq war ect.

The United States Government is not humane, simply thinking they won't do something because it is evil or illegal is just naive.

Side: Yes
1 point

As much as i want the gov. to have anything to do with the shooting, [for the fact that no children (or adults) would have been murdered] i have to say that I honestly don't believe that the gov. would be stupid enough to get caught like they are saying happened in the video and other means, I admit yes i do believe that it is slightly shady in aspects of it, but aren't all shootings? I do however believe that the gov. has the ability to fake and possibly will fake a shooting, to increase gun control to remove guns from the people. (which everyone with a brain would know, won't work)

Side: No

As usual, conspiracy theorists are jumping to uninformed conclusions and spreading misinformation. Snopes debunks most of the conspiracy theories here If this were a government conspiracy, just think of how many people would have to be in on it; local law enforcement, EMT's, all the students, teachers, and parents at the school, coroners, funeral directors and their staff, news channels, etc. There is no way they could pull off a hoax of that magnitude. To think that the government would do all that just to pass some gun control laws is ridiculous. To anyone who truly believes they would do this, I have some tinfoil hats for sale that will protect you from government mind control.

Side: No
1 point

^ This.

With my additional comment being, even if they did set it up, do you really think the government would hire “substandard” crisis actors who “can't even pull off a believable interview”?

Side: No

What happened in Sandy Hook was real. Some gun nuts are spreading around a myth about this tragedy. Shame on them!

Side: No