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Debate Score:10
Total Votes:13
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DeathWolf666(372) pic

Is there reeeeeally freedom of speech in the US?

Think about it, they say you have free speech but you can get arrested for threatening the wrong person, saying sexual things in public or promoting ideologies which are antithetical to American culture.


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 6
1 point

but you can get arrested for threatening the wrong person, saying sexual things in public or promoting ideologies which are antithetical to American culture.

Hello DW:

Threatening people is NOT free speech.. It's criminal activity..

Of course, saying sexual things in public or promoting ideologies ARE free speech, and you CANNOT, absolutely CANNOT be prosecuted for them.. For example, the government CANNOT, absolutely, CANNOT stop NFL players from KNEELING during the national anthem.

Can they be FIRED for it??? When we're ON the clock, we represent our EMPLOYER, and NOT us.. If we don't speak the speech HE wants us to speak, we CAN be fired..


Side: Yes

No, there's not. Not only for the reasons you mention, but because the government can simply ignore their own rules if they want to bad enough and their willing to pull some strings. If they really see your speech as a threat to their power they can have you shut down or even killed, like what happened to MLK and JFK. Also, since America is ruled by money, you can have any of your "rights" violated by someone rich enough to get away with it, and if you are in someone else's business you can be fired and lose your livelihood for your speech (and many people are forced to work for other people's businesses in capitalist societies) and if you are a costumer you can be kicked out, because on business property it's corporate policy that decides your speech rights, not the constitution.

Side: No
Kincam50 Disputed
0 points

No, there's not.

Why is everything you say so negative and dumb?

but because the government can simply ignore their own rules if they want to bad enough

I bet you can't give me an example of that happening you ding dong head.

If they really see your speech as a threat to their power they can have you shut down or even killed, like what happened to MLK and JFK.

Are you insinuizing that the US government shot them for their speech? You sir are a treasonous conspiracy nut.

Also, since America

Lol, you don't capitalize unless it's in the beginning or it's a proper noun.

is ruled by money, you can have any of your "rights" violated by someone rich enough to get away with it

The law still applies to rich people.

many people are forced to work for other people's businesses in capitalist societies

WHAT? You can choose to be a homeless loser who doesn't contribute to society or start your own business if you don't want to work for someone else's.

Side: Yes
2 points

Lol, you don't capitalize unless it's in the beginning or it's a proper noun.

America is a proper noun you retard.

Side: No
excon(18261) Disputed
-1 points

No, there's not. Not only for the reasons you mention, but because the government can simply ignore their own rules

Hello N:

He was asking about the RULES - NOT what happens when the rules are violated.

If YOUR world, a waitress would be able to REFUSE to serve liquor if it offended her sensibilities, and her employer couldn't FIRE her..



Side: Yes
1 point

He was asking about the RULES - NOT what happens when the rules are violated.

Shut up excon, the rules are irrelevant when they can be broken at will by the ones who are supposed to uphold them. He asked if there is freedom of speech, the answer is no, because the "rule" of freedom of speech is a lie, and you can have that freedom taken away at any time.

If YOUR world, a waitress would be able to REFUSE to serve liquor if it offended her sensibilities, and her employer couldn't FIRE her..

No, there is a difference between losing your job because you have an opinion your boss doesn't like and losing your job because you refuse to do your job. You are a fucking clueless jackass who only says things to contradict other people without giving it any thought.

Side: No