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 It's 8:00pm Do you know where your children are? (52)

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addltd(5125) pic

It's 8:00pm Do you know where your children are?

That's right, after giving you know who a million chances and even 24 hours to redeem HIMself, The user who remains nameless has been banned.

Sorry I let it go on so long, but he is inly my second real casualty.  Everyone else has somehow learned to get along.


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4 points

All I can say is that you did the right thing, doc.

1 point

Indeed, indeed.

2 points

Poor poor Prodigee, you will not be missed.

Thank god I don;t have to put up with all of those Satan comments anymore. :)

Am I the only one here who misses Prodigee?

3 points

yes, yes you are.

Banana_Slug(845) Disputed
1 point

...and his alter ego is now gone too ...that makes you the queen :D

2 points

I miss him, but it was a no win situation.

The Phantom(450) Clarified
2 points

He's not even banned though. .

Centifolia(1319) Clarified
2 points

I feel the same thing. But dont worry, he will be back in no time

2 points

Well considering he just made a new account, I don't know how much of a difference this will make.

Prodigee will not be missed, this is Andy's site, and he made a decision, and Prodigee was destroying it.

This is absolutely true, the poor guy doesn't even deserve his hard-earned T-shirt.

1 point

Didn't Andy say you would get a Shirt?

2 points

It's 8:00pm Do you know where your children are?

Bit of an odd title might I add!

2 points

Heck yeah! Instead of saying Rest In peace we say, we can rest without being annoyed. Hallaluigh!!

He will be missed. I forgive him for what he did. To the community, to you Andy, to me and my sister, and everybody. I probably was his only friend and I hope he finds a new debate site. I will miss the poor guy. This site will be different. With a total of 5003 points he disappeared. Good bye old friend and all is forgiven.

So we still don't get to know who it is?

I think lizzie knows though. lol

As for my thoughts on whoever you banned.

I'm glad it's not me and I'm sure you had great reasoning for it.

1 point

This whole fiasco re-enforces my determination to stay focused on making my discussions about the subjects and not about the 'person.' "It aint about me" and "it aint about nobody else."

iamdavidh(4816) Clarified
1 point


Or make it about preaching at people then banning them when they disagree.

1 point

This is why I support expanded spiritual and mental health services. Prodigee has some demons.

wardogninja(1790) Clarified
1 point

What happened, I feel like I missed everything.

. M.

Just an uber-troll who was racking up like 150 points a day in completely retarded posts and debates. Nothing unusual, I guess, just altogether too prolific, and the CD community started to get pissed, as you can see in a few debates made about cracking down on trolling and spam.

I'll give it at least a 75% chance he comes back. Perhaps you will be unfortunate enough to converse with him yourself, some day.

1 point

Prodigee he has done horrible things to me and others as well. He is probably the fastest person ever to reach 5,000 points in that amount of time. I forgive him for what he has done to others and myself. On the bright side he isn't causing any trouble anymore.

This must be the first time someone has been banned from here.

1 point

I think i need the word "sentiments" defined to me for this occation. I have no clue what your talking about. You made it sound like i enjoyed having his ideas around. I like to argue, but i like it when it makes sense and dosn't spam the crap out of itself

1 point

Well thank God for that, honestly he offered no contributions to this site, he came like a parasite plaguing us all with his pathetic drivel and nonsensical " My lord Satan will burn you all" e.t.c.

This house is glad he is gone.

For a troll, I actually felt like we were making progress. I feel like we were making a real breakthrough in getting him to understand that rape is not the same thing as sex, and I was working on finding him a medication that might finally help him.

Oh well. Water under the bridge.

1 point

Now who will I fight with??? Oh yeah... there's always RandomDude. ;)

1 point

And Micy.

1 point

True... or whatever he will be called next time.

1 point

Oh yeah Andy, you are really cracking down on Prodigee. That is why he is online right now. Thank you so much for letting him get away with murder.

addltd(5125) Clarified
2 points

He found a loophole. It has been fixed. I don't lie, I have no reason to do so.

1 point

Sorry. :'(

I never met this individual and so therefore I do not mourn.


Cuaroc(8829) Disputed
1 point

Big surprise there isn't it Mic?

Disbeliever(279) Disputed
1 point

What do you mean by Mic?

Disbeliever(279) Disputed
1 point

What do you mean by Mic?

1 point

What do you mean by "my second casualty", who was the first?

1 point

I think he's talking about JellyPeach... before your time. Too bad she got banned as she was hilarious.

1 point

A great loss to the community.

Hearts have been shattered.

1 point

Was prodigee harassing people or something?

Just seemed like a hyper kid to me.

Centifolia(1319) Clarified
3 points

He is a troll who cannot engage in an intelligent arguments, spams worthless statements about Satanism and BS, he kept on posting worthless topics, copy pasted topics or both,

And most of all, he is the top leading member in collecting points.

Quocalimar(6470) Clarified
1 point

LOL, that's basically all he is, but you know, it'd be best to not have him here at all so the people who don't feel like getting responded to by nonsense can have that luxury.

Lynaldea(1227) Clarified
1 point

Fuck it Quocalimer, this site is meant to be for debates correct? I'm pretty sure there are a select set of "guidelines" for the site, no? It's not like we're not confounded by a particular set of rules. This site isn't all fair game.

Him, or whomever ran its profile, what the fuck. Ridiculous to say the least.

Be gone trolls. BE GONE.

I don't think banning one account will do much. If he wants to come back all he has to do is make another.