
Debate Info

Jesus Christ Barack Obama
Debate Score:47
Total Votes:53
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 Jesus Christ (11)
 Barack Obama (12)

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EdudModnar(209) pic

Jesus Christ VS Barack Obama

Jesus VS Obama



Jedi Obama


Jesus Christ

Side Score: 28

Barack Obama

Side Score: 19
2 points

Jesus is a legend who has left a legacy - he is still believed in 2000 years after his death, and because of him so are his friends. Jesus is awesome.

Supporting Evidence: Proof he is awesome (
Side: Jesus Christ
Lynnarella(2) Disputed
1 point

Oh I'm sorry I stumbled into your magical world of make belief.

Side: Barack Obama
EdudModnar(209) Disputed
2 points

Yeah, why did you do that?

Side: Jesus Christ
2 points

dont u ever compare obama to jesus! there is no comparison. jesus is all things great and obama is a disgraced liar.

Side: Jesus Christ

Obama is fake American-African somehow studied law at Harvard's and now enjoying trips to countries all across the world.

Side: Jesus Christ
3 points

Hmm, well, let's look at this logically and rationally.

Jesus has inspired billions of people to follow his teachings. He's believed to be God by a large amount of the population. His philosophies have been the foundation of many people's beliefs, like Martin Luther King. And he is probably the most famous man ever to have lived, permeating every part of our culture.

But Barack Obama is black.

So, weighing it up objectively, we must conclude that Obama's blackness makes him better than Jesus.

Side: Barack Obama
Emperor(1340) Disputed
2 points

Yes, but what if Jesus was black too?

I mean, if Jesus was black, then that pretty much brings him above Obama, right?

Supporting Evidence: Jesus was black (
Side: Barack Obama
ChuckHades(3179) Disputed
3 points

Wha... dude... I was just trying to troll .

Side: Jesus Christ
2 points

If Jesus was the messiah, then he over turned democracy.

No one voted for Jesus. Even the medieval church didn't let anyone vote for what was said in the sermons.

Religion is not a democracy.

It is a dictatorship.

Side: Barack Obama
Liber(1712) Disputed
3 points

Religion is doctrine, not open to such politically-minded change.

Side: Jesus Christ
1 point

Jesus is a myth, a combination of various fairytales from different religions rolled into one Christian package.

By comparison we've had three years of real job growth, killed Osama, got out of one war and are getting out of a second, the GDP is up, the car industry is saved, we finally have a health care system that isn't the joke of the free world, and he's not raised taxes, so as usual Joe doesn't know what he's talking about.

And all of this done amidst the most fillibusters in U.S. history by double and a right wing congress that acts like children on a field trip to D.C. ... so the Jedi picture is actually pretty accurate all things considered.

That said, I'm all for raising taxes back to the rates of the 90's. I'd even add an additional tax bracket for Mitt Romney on the upper end after he loses this election by a landslide.

Side: Barack Obama
EdudModnar(209) Disputed
2 points

If he was a myth, then he was one awesome myth - what a legend.

Side: Jesus Christ
1 point

Last time I checked, Obama was a real person who actually did things. Jesus probably never existed.

Side: Barack Obama
EdudModnar(209) Disputed
1 point

"[Jesus] was a real person who actually did things. [Obama] probably never existed"

Side: Jesus Christ
1 point

Obama exists..........................................................................

Side: Barack Obama
1 point

Why the hell are you comparing a prophet with a normal person(politician) ??? What kind of debate is this??? I feel Obama is not a bad person and that is my point of view being a non-American I don't know what kind of person Obama might be on the inside. Besides as far as I am concerned Jesus(Isa) was a good man no matter what from what we have read in several books.

Side: Barack Obama
1 point

I don't think you are going to get an answer from someone who hasn't been active for 2 years.

Side: Barack Obama
1 point

Thanks for the advice but someday he might come to know at least I got to express my view.

Side: Barack Obama
1 point

Thanks for the advice but someday he might come to know at least I got to express my view.

Side: Barack Obama
1 point

Thanks for the advice but someday he might come to know at least I got to express my view.

Side: Barack Obama