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Jace(5211) pic

Jesus' Wife: A Case for Christian Insecurity

A recently disclosed scrap of papyrus paper indicates that Jesus Christ may have had a wife.

This is not a debate about the legitimacy of the document (although that has been reasonably established), but rather about how unsettled many Christians became by the announcement and the vehemence with which they felt the need to reject it.

How could a truly absolute and incontrovertible faith be so shaken by something as simple the possibility that one of its prophets could have been married?

[Source 1](

[Source 2](


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1 point

Jesus does have a wife we are his bride. We represent his bride, the groom dying for his bride never heard of that.

RndomDood(7) Clarified
1 point

Indeed. To clarify: The Church is his bride. Also: It seems silly to me to have a minimum argument length.

That is true, we are his bride and we will come to meet him in heaven and dwell in the house of the lord. Amen!

Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

That is not the kind of wife this manuscript indicated Jesus had.

I mean Christianity, for most large churches and organizations, is strictly constructed, so a disturbance in what we already know may shake the foundations of those churches. I think as long as churches have their notion of Christ being perfect in all means they are fine.

Jace(5211) Clarified
1 point

I mean Christianity, for most large churches and organizations, is strictly constructed, so a disturbance in what we already know may shake the foundations of those churches.

I just find it striking that any religion that claims it derives its authority from a power extent to Earth could be so shaken by something so mundane as a single marriage. Not a very well built foundation...

I think as long as churches have their notion of Christ being perfect in all means they are fine.*

Would that not be part of the problem? Any human "imperfection" and the Christ myth goes out the window...

I just find it striking that any religion that claims it derives its authority from a power extent to Earth could be so shaken by something so mundane as a single marriage. Not a very well built foundation...

I guess it's valid to think that. It would probably shake the Catholic church the most.

Would that not be part of the problem? Any human "imperfection" and the Christ myth goes out the window...

True, but marriage doesn't necessarily destroy the image of Jesus and his perfection.