
Debate Info

Yes they are No they don't
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Yes they are (2)
 No they don't (2)

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11wolf(679) pic

Kids are too scared of what other people might say that they don't be themselves

Yes they are

Side Score: 2

No they don't

Side Score: 2
1 point

it isn't just children. the fear of judgement is virtually inherent in humans and is the basis of a lot of psychology and ideas of social workings. but that is still just hypothesis, although backed up by a lot of evidence. personally i think the closest thing to yourself you can be is in comparison to an average 'self' out of all the 'selves' you have been over time. so that you are the you that chooses the possible you's that you are.

Side: Yes they are

It's just kids, it's everyone. You think people like wearing suits and ties? They're uncomfortable and only look good on the thin ones, but we wear them because society says so.

Side: Yes they are
1 point

Its not the idea of what people say that scares kids, its the idea of not fitting in. Kids want to be accepted into society and be wanted and therefore, conform. This leads to them not being themselves because they want to be like everyone else as this ensures approval.

Side: No they don't
1 point

Really do kids really know who they are as children, that's why they aren't themselves, they don't know how to be. That's what childhood is about: developing and discovering themselves, this often requires trying new things and frequently changing to see what they enjoy and believe. Children learn from others and that's why they act like one and other to help internalize things- eventually creating themselves.

Side: No they don't