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 Lakeisha Holloway Runs Down Innocent Pedestrians (42)

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outlaw60(15368) pic

Lakeisha Holloway Runs Down Innocent Pedestrians

The Portland , Oregon woman is charged in the vehicular rampage in Las Vegas , Nevada. One killed and as many as 30 injured 3 critically. The crash happened on a busy stretch of Las Vegas Boulevard across from the dancing water fountains of the Bellagio hotel-casino where visitors crowd sidewalks as they head from one casino to another. The Miss Universe pageant was being held nearby at Planet Hollywood.

Holloway drove a few blocks to a hotel, parked and asked a valet to call police, saying she had run over some people on the Strip, Lombardo said. She was stoic when she was arrested, he said.

Lombardo said police did not have a definitive motive but that they believe she had a falling out with the father of her child before the crash. A drug recognition expert on the scene determined Holloway was under the influence of a “stimulant,” but blood test results were pending.

So when will the black activist show up to defend the killer of innocent people on a sidewalk in Las Vegas , Nevada and make a whole host of reasons as to why she did it ?

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4 points

This seems like a is a case of a deranged Bongo seeking revenge, Bongo style, for the alleged misdeeds of her Bongo partner. Bongos are, what Bongos do. Man, man oh man, she sure is ugly. If she was on drugs, she must have overdosed on ugly pills. One glimpse of her back home in the jungles of Bongo-land she'd have the monkeys falling out of the trees in a stunned state of traumatized horror. The gorillas would throw themselves under the wheels of the tourist's safari vehicles and the crocodiles would drown themselves. ''Just saying''.

I don't like someone being judge, jury and hangman, but how do you know they were innocent?

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

If you are walking down the Vegas Strip and a 2,000 pound vehicle targets people on the sidewalk are you not an innocent victim of the killer driving the vehicle ?

2 points

How do you know that those people walking down the Vegas Strip didn't have it coming to them?

2 points

What if some had committed a crime they got away with, or intended to commit a crime? Furthermore, how do you know how much the vehicle weighed?

1 point

How did she get a stimulant if drugs are illegal?

1 point

No one would do that... That's like saying someone would defend the abortion clinic shooter. That is just wrong.

It was her fault, but there is no need to stereotype a group of people for it.

1 point

Well if they dont come out to defend her then it is quite damaging for your philosophy that all black people defend all other black people no matter what they do. But then again the person who wrote you as a character knows this doesnt he? ;)