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 League to ban the likes of ReichPride. (9)

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League to ban the likes of ReichPride.

ReichPride has made threats, obscenities, slurs, etc. He should be banned. Give your two cents worth!

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3 points

Reported and banned. Easily done. All trolls need that treatment.

Side: Reported and banned
3 points

Even if either of you have downs (which I doubt a little), you don't have a right to post offensive, threatening, bigoted, racist, prejudiced material on here.

Side: Reported and banned

They both claim to have Down's Syndrome, they both started in the last few days, and they both write in a similar fashion - I believe that they are, what Dacey called in the title of one of her debates, Double-Dippers. That is, they are one and the same person.

Side: Reported and banned

Shut up your mouth Reichpride. Many people has mental and physical disorders. You are probably a person with problems. Get a real life and see the real world.

Side: Reported and banned

Another could be that character, 'GayIsACrime,' who was having a rather long, perverse dialogue with Deviant and I on one of my debates.

Side: Reported and banned
1 point

So you guys think down syndrome is not ok either? i see how it is.

Side: Reported and banned
1 point

They are assholes!! wow idc if they have sicknesses or not. fuck them!!!! they are being assholes to everyone but there own dumbass selfs!!!!

Side: Reported and banned

If someone is unquestionably making inappropriate statements and disrespecting the spirit of, then they should be banned. This is the reason why I left Yahoo Answers because of all the jokes and insults.

Side: Reported and banned

This site, also, has more substance than Yahoo!Answers. I tried the site for a day, but I couldn't really get into it. On CreateDebate everybody knows each other, but on Yahoo!Answers, there are so many people that one couldn't keep them all straight.

Of course, Yahoo!Answers is not for debating, it is for asking questions - another reason that CD is superior.

Side: Reported and banned