
Debate Info

A teacher who is right-brained A teacher who is left-brained
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:11
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 A teacher who is right-brained (4)
 A teacher who is left-brained (4)

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pgonzalez(11) pic

Left-Brain or Right-Brain

Imagine that we are not a mix of both left and right-brained qualities. Instead, we were either COMPLETELY left-brained or right-brained. Given the description of both classifications (Chapter 12, p. 92), which type of person would be the best teacher?

A teacher who is right-brained

Side Score: 6

A teacher who is left-brained

Side Score: 5

It depends on the student. Some students would learn better from a fully left-brain teacher, others would learn better from a fully right-brain teacher.

Side: A teacher who is right-brained
31337(560) Banned
2 points

A completely right brained-or completley left brained person , would not be able to function properly, if at all. Such silly topic.

The right brain would have no attention to detail and therefore couldn't even organize a curriculum.

The left brain wouldn't even be able to understand the concepts enough to be able to coherently convey the subject information.

Side: A teacher who is left-brained
pgonzalez(11) Disputed
1 point


If you actually read the post you would note that this topic is for a class...hence the Chapter/page number reference. And as someone else pointed out the usage of "IMAGINE." Get over yourself

Side: A teacher who is right-brained
31337(560) Disputed Banned
1 point

I imagined the situation and it will turn out as I said. Your topic is ignorant. And you should remove it before further misinforming any students. Get under yourself, which it makes more sense to say instead of " get over yourself", because the phrase is aimed at a person who seems to think that they are on higher ground than they actually are. Why tell them to go higher? Silly person.

Side: A teacher who is left-brained
1 point

Also, given that both sides of the brain are needed to perform respiration, blood circulation, digestion, and all other bodily processes that are necessary for survival, the teacher would be dead.

Side: A teacher who is left-brained

There is no right answer.. There is no one with one sided brain only

Side: A teacher who is left-brained
31337(560) Disputed Banned
2 points

TC says "imagine". That means to attack the topic from a hypothetical angle. "If this was true, then how would it work?", is what the TC is wanting to debate.

Side: A teacher who is right-brained
31337(560) Disputed Banned
1 point

How do you know that "No One" is completely one side dominant?

Have you observed EVERYONE'S brain? Trick question, that's Impossible.

Side: A teacher who is right-brained