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 Let's Defend the Indefensible. (21)

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HGrey87(750) pic

Let's Defend the Indefensible.


This is an exercise in rationalization, a psychological defense mechanism (and CD tradition :P). Pick an opinion that we all know is competely indefensible, then find a way to make it seem legitimate. Extra points for making it completely appalling.


This is to illustrate that what seems like logic and proof can be twisted to prove anything, so your own convictions are no exception. We're all vulnerable to self-deception. Hopefully you might see parallels in how you argue something you know isn't true with how you argue your own beliefs, effectively reevaluating the latter.

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3 points

It is a fact that has been known to me for some time that the Earth is indeed flat, and I'm glad that this debate has given me the oppotunity to share this knowledge with all of you. The proponants of Sphere Earth Theory have engaged in a disgusting campaign of smear and outright deception to keep this a secret.

I will lay out a few of the basic details regarding why the Earth is flat, and I look forward to anyone stupid enough to take the challange of opposing this obvious fact.

The Earth is infact a flat disc, with an approximate diameter of about 25,000 miles and an approximate circumference of 80,000 miles. The sun, moon, stars, and all other observable entities in space are similarly discs of different sizes set at fixed points from the Earth. The Earth is rising upwards (movement caused by the big bang) at a rate of approximately 9.8 m/s², causing what we call today gravity. The planetary bodies above the Earth, such as the moon and sun, revolve above it, thereby causing sunrise and sunset to occur.

These are facts, and I challange you to discredit them.

Side: Flat Earth Theory
Prometheus(23) Disputed
2 points

So why is that one can fly all the way around the world, in a spherical fashion?

Side: Flat Earth Theory
MKIced(2511) Disputed
3 points

Well clearly, the edge of the Earth is not the abyss we had always believed it was, but is rather a teleportation device that immediately sends an airplane from the eastern edge to the western edge and vice versa.

Side: Flat Earth Theory
lawnman(1106) Disputed
2 points

Hey, you forgot the most critical evidence for your argument; the two dimensional photographs of the Earth as is visible, by a spherical eye, through a double convex lens of a camera taken from a distant part of a flat universe.

Furthermore, you willfully neglected the most crucial evidence of the fact of a flat elliptical (not circular) description of the geometric definition of the Earth, all of which is an outrage to those of us who have fallen off the edge of the earth. Hope you fall off the edge too, and soon! Jerk!

Side: flat but not circular
2 points

Clearly, the North American Man/Boy Love Association is doing nothing but good. For all of those little boys out there who are unloved by the girls at school and their families, there is always a big hairy man, like a teddy bear, ready to show his love for the boy, thus making him feel accepted in society. We all know sex is pleasurable, so these men are also allowing these little boys to feel the pleasure that they would otherwise have to put off until they were mature. Who wants to wait for that? Another thing these men are doing is teaching the boys through experience. Eventually, the boys will find some nice girls to settle down with, but what if they finish too soon for the girls? Or they don't know what to do? That's where NAMBLA comes in! The men of NAMBLA teach the boys the basics to love-making so that they can go on to share this pleasure with the world.

2 points

The Theory of the Evolutionary Benefits of Self-ejaculation

If the theory of evolution is to be supported by any act of the nature of the creatures of an evolved species, it can only be supported by self-ejaculation, i.e. masturbation for genetic enhancement.

Male homo-sapiens have, without doubt, by ejaculate, individually propagated (pleasurably)tens of thousands of generations of progeny. This ejaculate, as it were, not only benefited the success of the species homo-sapien, but also impregnated the organisms of the soil of the Earth with the DNA of homo-sapien. The ejaculate (reproductive) altered the DNA of the organisms of the soil and thus is the progenitor of homo-gopher.

The homo-gopher in-turn, like his progenitor, masturbated until ejaculation into the sub-soil. And guess what? We now have homo-gopher-grub.

The indisputable evidence that confirms this fact can be found in the form of fossilized ejaculations (reproductive) of homo and his progeny.

Homo-sapiens ejaculated (reproducible) with water, with air, with trees, with grass, with just about anything we can see, including KY Jelly and Vaseline. And thus homo-sapien can be said to be the father of all the species of the Earth.

The world shall one day call the above theory : Lawnman’s Law of Ejaculating Life into the World

Side: Ejaculating Life into the World
2 points

The 90-99% genetic similarity we share with most other forms of life on Earth just go to illustrate your theory.

Another, shorter-term example: When a woman swallows my genetic material, I can see it begin to affect her DNA, as her voice gets deeper like mine. And when I coat ants with my DNA, they assume a genetic tendency that has run in my family very consistently: death. The evidence is irrefutable. Lawnman, you are to Evolutionary Theory what Michael Jordan is to Evolutionary Theory! :P

Side: Ejaculating Life into the World
1 point

Have you seen this video? Well I think the material cycle is OK as it is.

The Story of Stuff
Side: Stuff is OK
1 point

While supporting the inherently destructive and doomed material cycle is correct in the spirit of this debate, I meant for you to offer your explanation of how one might defend it.

Side: Stuff is OK

That's easy! I can defend it. Just ask yourself the following question. Are you willing to give up all of your stuff for a "better" world? I know I'm willing to give up all of your stuff for a better world ;)

Side: Stuff is OK
1 point

Huh? I am like way confused on this topic. Someone should start it off and give me an idea.

Side: Stuff is OK
1 point

This is an ironic argument. Read the debate description.

Let's launch some race wars! If we are to evolve as a species, we must cull the weak, stupid and lazy. Those who are not intelligent or industrious enough to have developed their country do not deserve to keep sucking up resources on an overpopulated planet.

While we're at it, we should cut off all medical support for genetically-based diseases. They are weakening the gene pool of our species, and we must remove them before we devolve irreparably. Breeding should only be allowed through rigorous physical and mental examinations. Those who fail the test should be castrated. For the good of the species :B

Side: Stuff is OK

What do you mean this is undefendable? I've been defending this for years! If other people are not willing to give up their stuff for the betterment of the world, then we should off them; take them out. ;)

Side: Stuff is OK
1 point

I don't think we sould kill people, but I do think Sterilization procedures chould be preformed based on scores of a test developed to weed out the 'weak'.

A form of unnatural selection. I don't think this should actually be done, not in this day and age. But it's better than genocide.

Side: Stuff is OK

No wonder Cerin wears it on his head then...I thought it was a pancake but perhaps that's too heavy as well. Weighty stuff, this! Besides, in a flat world we can legalize everything. Makes sense to me. I'm tired.

Side: Stuff is OK
2 points

So he's the new Atlas? Oh no, I hope someone doesn't write 3 lbs of unreadable drivel about him shrugging...

Side: Stuff is OK
1 point

Santa Clause is real.

I am Santa Clause.

Therefore I am walking proof that Santa Clause exists.

Side: jake is santa
1 point

GREAT debate topic! I love it.

Fox television network has been spying on me. You see, I had a lengthy conversation about religion with a friend of mine one day, and that night fox played the episode of House with the priest hallucinating Jesus. More arguments about this later, admittedly this argument alone is extremely weak, but I'll come up with more later. x]

Side: Fox knows
1 point

The Japanese had every right to murder hundreds of thousands of Chinese during WWII. If you look at it they were helping the Chinese with population control. China was going to be communist eventually so it helped the US in killing potential Communists.

Side: Japanese killing China