
Debate Info

that says it all it's all political bronto
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:5
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 that says it all (1)
 it's all political bronto (2)

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brontoraptor(28599) pic

Liberals choose Muhammad over Jesus

Liberals defend the pedophile who claimed to be possessed by the devil over the Sermon on the Mount. This is just how vile liberalism has become.

that says it all

Side Score: 1

it's all political bronto

Side Score: 3

Most Liberals are not Christians and even though they are mostly Atheists, would rather support a false Islamic religion that teaches it's followers to kill unbelievers, gays, women, etc.

By supporting Islam, they are doing their best to hurt Christianity. It has nothing to do with Islam, but rather hurting Christianity.

Side: that says it all
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

Most Liberals are not Christians

Yes they are you stupid fuck.

would rather support a false Islamic religion

Freedom of religion is in the constitution.

Side: it's all political bronto

No I don't.

That is like preferring mother goose over the never ending story. Invented by man and have nothing to do with reality.

Side: it's all political bronto