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Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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Mandatory driver's license retest every 25 years.


Side Score: 10


Side Score: 2
3 points

As someone with professional experience driving a tractor-trailer I think that there are just way too many people who don't know how to drive. Now, my record has proven I'm an exceptionally good driver but the fact is there are plenty of people who aren't and I would even argue for a ten year retest (possibly every 6 months if you drive a SUV) just to make sure these people don't accidentally kill someone (not joking about the SUV thing either, they are a menace). I'm kind of tired of being held to a higher standard while the people around me get to drive like total retards. I get cut off at least 3 times a day by some brain-dead moron yacking on their cell phone and I get really scared by that because it means I can't screw up... ever.

Cutting off a rig is a suicidal act. It takes about four times longer to stop than it does in a car and people do it all the damn time... like the truck is gonna stop itself. What scares me even more is when they have kids in the car, I mean if I accidentally killed them I'd feel bad but at least I could chock that up to Darwinism... I don't know how well I could handle killing a kid. I've heard horror stories from guys that have... I even spent three hours at a truck stop one time talking a guy out of suicide, it made my load late but I didn't care- it seemed real unjust that someone else's poor decision making ruined the man's life.

Commercial drivers face a $3,000 fine and the end of their career if they are caught on their cell phone and we are far more cautious statistically than 90% of other drivers on the road and really if you operate ANY vehicle you should be held to the professional standard and the same consequences for violating that standard. Personally, I think it would cut traffic fatalities by 80% and its not brain surgery... stuff like looking ahead, watching your mirrors, moving to the next exit if you miss your turn instead of cutting across four lanes of traffic... common sense stuff that save lives.

Side: For

A lot of people's driving skill degrades over time usually due to not driving in a while. Having a mandatory driver's test every twenty-five years, or even every five years, would greatly increase road safety by not allowing drivers with very low skill.

If you're also an environmentalist, this would decrease carbon monoxide emissions by lowering the amount of people able to drive.

Side: For
2 points

As a driver this is a personal issue for me. I personally would not mind giving up maybe a day, to prove to the public that I still know how to safely operate a vehicle, if it meant getting those who don't off the road.

The reason I even bring this up, is over the idea to have a cut off age for driving. I don't think that's fair. I don't believe the elderly that know how to operate their vehicles (as few as their may be) should be penalized for the ones that don't.

Side: For

I'm voting on the For side because I generally agree with a retest, but I think 25 years is too long. I say make it 5 years, 10 tops.

There are a LOT of people on the road these days that had their last driving class more than 40 years ago, and a lot has changed in that time. This not only keeps the information relatively fresh and up to date in all drivers, but also removes the need for some kind of age cap on driving as has been discussed recently. They can drive until they can't pass the test anymore or are disqualified for other reasons.

Side: For

Once is enough! I don't think anyone should have to be subjected to another test.

Side: Against