
Debate Info

They said that They want his son gone
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 They said that (2)
 They want his son gone (1)

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Nicephorus(223) pic

Media says Excon's son is a bad person

They said that

Side Score: 2

They want his son gone

Side Score: 1
1 point

My interpretation of the leftist spokesperson's REAL underlying yearning was that anyone who held views which were at the opposite end of the political spectrum to his own should be corralled into industrial furnaces, incinerated and their ashes used as fertilizer.

Side: They said that
1 point

The media want his son gone

Hello Bront:

Yeah... He's a Jew. Right wing motherfuckers don't much like Jews. Do they take into account that some Jews, like Ben Shapiro, like them?

Nahhh.. They eat their own.


Side: They want his son gone
BoomerangJim(9) Disputed
1 point

Right wing motherfuckers don't much like Jews.

Look, you naive little stool pigeon, politics and religion are not the same thing. There are a multitude of far right Jews all over the world. The far right has been the dominant force in Israel for decades.

Side: They said that