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Yes, because... No, because...
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:10
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 Yes, because... (4)
 No, because... (5)

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GenericName(3430) pic

Missouri Attorney General: No Evidence of Wrong Doing at Planned Parenthood

The Attorney General of Missouri has concluded an investigation into Planned Parenthood after an activist group released videos they claimed proved PP was misusing fetal tissue.  These videos have led Republicans in Congress to try to strip the organization of any and all public funding, akin to the debunked scandal with ACORN where a Conservative activist edited videos and released them which caused Republicans to strip them of their funding as well.

Do you believe the Attorney General of Missouri finding them free of wrong doing will change anything at all?

Yes, because...

Side Score: 5

No, because...

Side Score: 5
1 point

Republicans other than Donald Trump (a little more so than Democrats) like to respect positions rather than reasoning.

If someone as high up as the Attorney General says something, they listen or at least fear opposing it.

Side: Yes, because...
instig8or(3308) Clarified
1 point

Donald Trump likes to trust anyone who agrees with him rather than either reasoning or position.

Side: Yes, because...

They didn't do what the right wing propaganda machine is saying they did. When respectable investigators look into it they will see the truth and discredit the propaganda. This will ultimately lead to nothing happening to planned parenthood and the loss of moral standing for anti-women's-rights groups.

Side: Yes, because...
daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

They did not abort babies using methods discussed in the videos then. Really? We did not see what we saw and we did not hear the conversations that we heard. Right?

Get a clue somebodyknows

Side: Yes, because...
1 point

DaveR, that's the same type of thing people said about the ACORN videos. The videos were indeed edited deceptively.

Side: No, because...
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

What part of the Missouri Attorney General's assessment did you not agree with?

Side: No, because...
1 point

Abortion is still wrong and Planned Parenthood still does abortions. The ends justify the means.

Side: No, because...
1 point

Right, but the government funding isn't being used towards abortions. So defunding PP does nothing to their abortion services.

Side: Yes, because...
2 points

In the end they put all their money together in one pile. There are other organizations that perform the non-abortion health services that Planned Parenthood. The government can give the money to someone who won't even do abortions. Planned Parenthood doesn't make enough money off abortion to support the organization as a whole. Eliminating the government funding for Planned Parenthood will kill the organization and women won't be able to have abortions.

Side: Yes, because...