
Debate Info

love money
Debate Score:18
Total Votes:19
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 love (7)
 money (4)

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angelsofhell(45) pic

Money is important or love????

I think money is more important but on the other side love makes our life beautiful... With Love i refer your partner with whom you want to spend your whole lofe but what if he can only give you love and dreams but don't have enouf money to fulfill your needs.. Will you still hang on?????

Think about it girls Wink


Side Score: 13


Side Score: 5
3 points

The quality of the relationships you have is of much more importance than how much money you have.

A good man won't want anything to do with a woman who puts money before love. So if you think money is more important than love, be prepared for a very unfulfilling partnership.

Side: love

Money doesn't buy happiness. I hear that all the time and I believe it.

Side: love
2 points

After all the cruelty and the misuse of love that I've seen around I'd be happy with any love that I get and with true love, he will work as little as he can to make some of whatever he can. I will manage the rest. I'm quite capable of that.

Side: love
2 points

Love is more important. I've had high paying jobs but was unhappy. And I'm still looking for the right love. But I still value that over money.

Side: love

Money like many things is a luxury, love is not a luxury. You can earn money by doing many things, while you cannot be guaranteed love by doing petty jobs.

Side: love
1 point

love is important than money

because we were made because of LOVE

and not by Money

even though money is our main need still LOVE is still important imagine world without LOve there would be crimes all over the place

Side: love
ChuckHades(3179) Disputed
1 point

because we were made because of LOVE

Actually, I was made because of loneliness, pity, and vodka.

Side: money
1 point

I think love is more important than money because i have a friend, he was very rich, at first, he's happy because he had lots of friends because he's rich but later on , he had problems about money and all his friends were all gone.

Side: love

HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!!!!!! Love is more important then money???????????


Side: Money

dear rhonamae, are there less crimes now with love?

i don't think love is going to fill ones empty stomach. one can't deny many love marriages being broken for the sole issue of money.

Side: money
angelsofhell(45) Clarified
1 point

if love is important, then why are women harassed for dowry?? we see many cases where wives are murdered for money. no matter how much we try to see the world through the rose tinted glasses of love, we can't escape the harsh reality that money's importance is getting significant.

Side: love

Money can buy happiness when love fails. With money, shopping will chase away the unhappiness.

Side: money