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 NYT is reporting the President will step down (4)

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NYT is reporting the President will step down

New York - As the transcript breaks between the President and the President of Ukraine it is known now that High Crimes have been proven reported by the New York Times. The President says he will not go through impeachment and pass on his presidency to VP Pence. 
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1 point

Reading that NYT article Democrats will try to impeach VP Pence. Democrats will put Hillary in the Oval Office according to the article.

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

No. You are wrong, I believe. Wouldn't it be, in the normal flow of democracy, …... "President Pelosi"??????????????????? ;-)

Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

Nancy is ready to step into the Oval Office and what credentials does she have.

1 point

I'm really worried about you, outlaw. There are (according to the NRA ;-) MANY well armed, mentally ill people in the U.S.! You are obviously ………... well armed, and, well...……… ;-)

Chinaman(3570) Clarified
2 points

Democrats should be in the streets celebrating today. Hillary will be put in power.

JamesDD(11) Clarified
1 point

There are (according to the NRA ;-) MANY well armed, mentally ill people in the U.S.!

Oh, but you can't take guns away from mentally ill people, Alfie. Otherwise, how will they defend themselves? And what if they need to hunt or control wildlife populations?

I am, of course, being sarcastic.

Chinaman(3570) Clarified
0 points

Impeachment is a gun issue with the need of the NRA. Democrat wildlife does need to be controlled.

Chinaman(3570) Clarified
0 points

Bill made a guest appearance on CNN and they were very excited. He said Hillary was ready to go to work for the American people.

Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

Guns and the NRA are obviously not being discussed here but how is that merry go round.

PantherOfBog(75) Disputed
-1 points

Trump will be President in 5 years. Then Ted Cruz will be President the next 8 years. You'll die of old age while a Republican runs the country

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

That COULD happen what with the stupidity residing in Washington . on BOTH SIDES. That would be a total miscarriage of justice AND democracy that I would (if I thought I could "look down"), appreciate watching the likes of YOU suffer through. ;-)

Consider this, though …. Clinton was impeached for getting a consensual BJ …. Trump was caught fucking another COUNTRY! :-)

Ted Cruz?? The most hated conservative?? "President"?? That would put you in hell before your time! I would welcome death, if your proposal of a "future" came about. You'd find your choice of avatars ironic …. you'd BE living in a "bog"! :-(

JamesDD(11) Disputed
1 point

Trump will be President in 5 years.

Trump is a criminal. Sane people don't want criminals in charge of their country.

FromWithin(8241) Clarified
1 point

You forget that after Ted Cruz is in for 8 years, Trump's sons will take over the following 16 years.

I would say that these Leftist's grandchildren will be old before another Democrat (Socialist) is elected.