
Debate Info

No repitition Keep doin the same old thing
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 No repitition (4)
 Keep doin the same old thing (2)

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anonymous199(122) pic

No More Repeated Questions?

Do you think we should have a rule not to repeat any repeated question in this website?

just ur own thought. m'kay?

No repitition

Side Score: 4

Keep doin the same old thing

Side Score: 2

I've been saying that for days - do you think anybody will listen?

Side: No repitition

I agree with you. I wish they would just stop doing that, but we have some very stubborn people. For example I don't think any new global warming discoveries were made over 10 times this past week. But, until they stop, I just ignore them.

Side: NEW RULE - Ignore repeated debates

It would be nice but too many repeated questions already exist. Also, some members don't know that a similar question was previously submitted.

Side: No repitition
1 point

1. A rule requiring people to do something the site does not facilitate is worth the hot air people will spend debating it.

2. A rule with no options for enforcement is worth the toilet paper its written on.

3. People who want to repeat questions will do so, rule or no rule.

4. People who want to repeat questions will do so, rule or no rule.

5. People who want to repeat questions will do so, just as a FU to rule makers.

6. "Keep doin the same old thing"? We got no other practical options, do we?

Here is an idea. Unless there is a new and compelling angle to the topic, simply ignore repeated debates. You know the drill. "Don't feed the trolls".

NEW RULE: Ignore repeated debates.

Synchronized Presidential Debating
Side: NEW RULE - Ignore repeated debates

I agree with that. Just don't go to it if it's repeated........................

Side: NEW RULE - Ignore repeated debates

I agree with that. Plus that video is hilarious. Unfortunately, I watch the debates and I heard the repeated questions and answers.

Side: Keep doin the same old thing