
Debate Info

Ban animlas from circuses Animals should be allowed
Debate Score:1
Total Votes:1
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 Animals should be allowed (1)

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NoblieLibra0(1) pic

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Challenge Debate: No animlas should used be in circus

Animals are being mistreated on several occasions in circuses, therefore it should be banned to use animals in circuses to do human's bidding's. Animals that are already in circus captivity, should be taken to a animal resort, to life out the remainder of their life's and no new animals should be taken into circus custody. 

Ban animlas from circuses

Side Score: 0

Animals should be allowed

Side Score: 1
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Animals should be allowed in a circus. In fact, animals as entertainers started during the antiquities, before the introduction of wild animals in the carnivals in the early 19th century. Circus will not flourish today if weren't for animals that performs in the show. If animals should not be allowed in the circus, wouldn't be the same for banning the animals in zoo? My three arguments are first, most animals are treated well enough for the show and they are well - trained by their owners. Second, circuses give people a chance to see what these animals look like live in action. Third, psychologically speaking, animals love to work with humans and they see us as our long term companions. These three, I will discuss it after my opponent will give their opening argument.

Resource: “Circus - Clowns | Britannica.” Accessed September 30, 2022.

Side: Animals should be allowed