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Debate Score:16
Total Votes:17
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 Obama has an intervue telling a lady that illegal immigrants can vote & get away with it. (10)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

Obama has an intervue telling a lady that illegal immigrants can vote & get away with it.

It is unbelievable the corruption in this Democrat party. He truly is a traitor to our laws and our constitution. HILLARY is more of the same.

If she wins, this nation will be too far gone to prevent a fiscal collapse.

Obama is explaining to this lady who is concerned about the law enforcement people coming after illegal immigrants who vote in our elections. Obama tells her not to worry, and they can get away with it.

No voter fraud going on? LOL, Democrats are hideously corrupt.
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3 points

Deport Obama .............................................................................

1 point

No voter fraud going on? LOL, Democrats are hideously corrupt. trumpsupporter_charged.html

Sorry, our mistake.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
2 points

The Progressive Left supports voter fraud and are proud to do so.

pirateelfdog(2655) Disputed Banned
0 points

Listen, we know you're a member of the progressive left, but just because you support voter fraud doesn't mean we all do.

1 point

Prove it with a video......................................................................

BigOats(1449) Clarified
1 point

Here's the link:

Sitar(3680) Clarified
1 point

Thank you, looking now.........................................................................

Thanks for giving the site to prove what I said in this debate.................................

1 point

Supporting evidence:

By hook, or by crook the left will do whatever it takes to win. The Right needs to learn how to play the game and take a lesson from the left. You can't take the high road when dealing with pigs; you will still get slop on you. So why not stoop to their level and throw it back at them.