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They're his silly They belong to us raid him
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 They belong to us raid him (3)

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BrontoLite(759) pic

Obama took a lot of government documents. Who do those documents belong to?

There might be some nuclear codes in there. Maybe even some love letters from Putin. Who knows what was in those boxes or if they are in the basement of his current home. The media has no way to know what was in those boxes. Neither does the FBI. Let's raid him seeing they would raid us even if we had neither. 

They're his silly

Side Score: 0

They belong to us raid him

Side Score: 3
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1 point

Obama took a lot of government documents.

Hello Bront:

And, that information came from (wait for it) TRUMP.

From your link:

Late last night President Trump revealed on Truth Social that Obama took some 30 million documents from his White House and he never got raided for it.

The CRAZY thing here is, NOT that Trump LIED, but that you BELIEVE him.

Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha.



Side: They belong to us raid him
1 point

Who do those documents belong to?

Hello again, Bront:

Left wing Jordan Klepper, attended Trump rallies and interviewed some of the attendees.. He asked 'em whether Trump ever lied.. Without exception ALL of them said NO.

Now, THAT blows my mind.. I THOUGHT that at least SOME of them would have said, yeah, I know he lies, but I'm gonna support him anyway.. Nobody said that.

Koolaid anyone???


Side: They belong to us raid him
1 point

With the frightening degree of resentment and anti-white racism which Barack and Michelle Obama regularly display I am certain that either, or both of these two racists would eagerly harm the nation by passing their stolen documents onto a hostile foreign power.

The Obama estate should be swooped on in the middle of the night by the F.B.I.,'s marauding terror squads with the media being kept at bay.

The body armored swarms of F.B.I., combatants would have to be recorded from afar as they fearlessly ransacked the Obama household who were both out giving victim hood/anti-white, white privilege, white supremacist speeches to the baying mobs of darkies.

Side: They belong to us raid him