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Originality is dead. Originality has not died.
Debate Score:40
Total Votes:40
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 Originality is dead. (13)
 Originality has not died. (9)

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madmonkey(17) pic

Originality Is Dead.

What is originality? Is originlaity dead? What do you think?

Originality is dead.

Side Score: 21

Originality has not died.

Side Score: 19
5 points

Can we even be 'original' in the first place?

"Nothing of me is original. I am the combined effort of everybody I've ever known." -- Chuck Palahniuk, Invisible Monsters, 1999, US writer (1962 - )

Side: Originality is dead.
2 points

Originality is dead. You can define orginality two ways, one which one aruges originality is coming up with a whole new concept while the other one is more of a compromise that one is original if one can take shreds of existing ideas to form one of your own.

Firstly, there is a theory that makes the first idea of originality impossible. Man can not make something out of nothing. Everything evolves from a base idea. For example, you are asked to create a new cartoon character, you'll realise there is an already created cartoon character that pops to mind and you'll shape it from there. This theory can of course be disputed but to me it pretty much makes sense.

If we follow the second idea, then it is quite a paradoxical idea of originality. I'd then believe creativity exists but originality, uh-uh.

Side: Originality is dead.
2 points

The fact that this motion is on this website proves that originality is indeed dead.

Side: Originality is dead.
2 points

Sure. That's why, no matter how hard I try, there shall always be a lack of complete originality in all that I ever write.

As Mark Twain said:

"Adam didn't know how good he had it; he could say anything he wanted to and know it had never been said before."

Side: Originality is dead.
lalocutrice(25) Disputed
2 points

But your perspective will be your synthesis of all you've learned, and once yours gains so many composite parts that amalgamate into one - you have something of your own.

There's hope yet, Terminator.

Side: Originality has not died.
2 points

'You are unique, just like everyone else.' - Anon

Nothing you ever do or say will be 100% original. If you think of an idea, even if it has not been put into practise yet, somebody will have already thought about it. However, this isn't necessarily a bad thing. It just shows that the human race has been going on for a substantial amount of time.

Side: Originality is dead.
1 point

I know where you copied this motion from. So yes, originality is in fact dead. :)

Side: Originality is dead.
1 point

Yes, and hence my main stand is that originality is dead. Tsk, you took my line. Heehee

Side: Originality is dead.
1 point

According to, originality is defined as the "ability to think or express oneself in an independent and individual manner; creative ability". Being original thus means being creative and unique in the way one expresses one's ideas and opinions, in one's style. Lets take a look at our media today. While cliched storylines dominate the Hollywood industry (ie the two age old stories tha twon't change: boy gets girl; boy loses girl; man triumphs over evil; man is defeatd by evil), new genres have popped up as well, such as Power Women Chic (Sex and the City).

Side: Originality is dead.
1 point

Originality never really existed. Everything that exists is merely a unique combination of everything pre-existing. To create an entirely new concept is like creating an object literally out of nothing. Think about it. Anyone who judges any work of art based on originality, has not seen the pre-existing elements within the "original" work of art, or for the "unoriginal" work of art, has not seen the pre-existing elements within any competition against the work of art she or he is judging. Just the fact that my statement is not original in comparison to others for this side of the debate proves my point exactly. Bonus: anyone who claims that originality exists in an uncompromising way is merely trying to get on your nerves, and cannot prove what they say.

Side: Originality is dead.
1 point

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Side: Originality is dead.
1 point

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Side: Originality is dead.
1 point

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Side: Originality is dead.
3 points

Originality is not dead, on occasion the light bulb comes on over someone's head. What is dead is the ability to express these new ideas. Suppressed by the common consensus to conform to what is already. One has to physically buy a voice and so many ideas are never brought forth. Capitalism does not promote creativity and diversity in the individual, all belongs to the corporate world.

I have had to sign contracts that state I am an employee of this establishment and any idea that I implicate is solely the property of this establish. Competition and ideas are not welcome and they make it very clear.

Side: Originality has not died.
3 points

Originality is not dead. It's just dying.

Everything in the media these days seems so cliched. I can generally tell what's going to happen before it does. I've even said lines (perfect to the last word sometimes) before the 'actors' say them. Shit gets fucking boring.

But then there are great T.V. shows like The Wire, The Sopranos, Family Guy, South Park etc. and movies like Crash and music artists like Lady Gaga (even though she is a donkey whore gaped slut from the 5th dimension) etc. etc. that keep the line open.

Just to confirm I do not like Gaga. She is shit. She deserves to be raped by AIDS (if she hasn't already) But she is original.. I guess...

Side: Originality is dying
3 points

Originality is definitely not dead, the mass media spew out mostly garbage but then the mass media always did. Things are constantly moving even more now then ever art, music, food, science, philosophy etc, etc are all very much alive and well in fact Originality could be said to be more alive now then ever.

Side: Originality has not died.
2 points

Nope, Lady Gaga is definitely original. and originality will never die unless we stop thinking.

Side: Originality has not died.
NikkiGirl75 Disputed
1 point

Lady Gaga IS NOT original. She is an individual, she is real, she is eccentric. But she is not original.

Side: Originality is dead.
2 points

It depends on how you define originality. If it is defined as having creative and innovative ideas that are different from other people's ideas, regardless whether it's built upon / inspired by many influences, originality has not died. On the other hand, if originality is having a totally new idea, it is a very rare case nowadays. Because, our lives revolve around many influences, and many things have already been well created to cater to our needs since long time ago. It's very hard to discover a totally new stuff, unless you live in Thomas Alva Edison's period where most of the stuff were not already discovered.

What today's society can do now is to use their thinking skills to build upon those ideas and concepts which were already discovered, to produce totally new and unique "finished" products. That's originality.

Side: Originality has not died.
2 points

First of all, whether originality has died or not depends on how exactly originality is defined. I shall be taking "originality" to be the ability to create or innovate (source: Essentially, in this sense, originality can be on two levels.

The first of these is in terms of content. This depends on what one has been exposed to and just how different that is, because what one receives as sensory input will translate into what one produces. But in a world where culture is continually being homogenised, can one be fully original in terms of content? Not quite. The fact that music, novels, et cetera can be defined as belonging to particular genres is testament to that. The problem with this is that if these are one's sole source of input, one cannot break out of these and be fully original. Originality thus has to move to a new level, namely that of viewpoint; if one's viewpoint, one's take on things, is found to be refreshing, then one's view is considered original. One such example of this is conscious synthesis of that which one has been exposed to. Some of the newer genres of music have been created this way. Yet even this can be defeated to some extent by the fact that the mass media continually transmit societal views and norms of that which is good, perfect, acceptable even.

But does this mean that originality is dead? No, it doesn't, simply because everyone's experiences are varied. Not all who have been to the same primary school will, for instance, go to the same higher level of education after that, much less the same school. And not all of these people will go to the same places at the same points in their lives either. These experiences will all shape their worldviews and will all be reflected in the works they create. But again, because everyone is different, no two individuals can look at the same thing and take away the exact same insights.

Yet, again, this assumes people are willing to venture out of their humdrum everyday lives and actively acquire experiences. Some individuals just do not bother to go out and seek such experiences and, by extension, themselves. Then they try to come up with something through their point of view and find thousands of views exactly like theirs. If they should say that originality has died, should their word be taken for it? NO.

In summary, originality as the ability to create has not died. All it requires is a vast collection of input to draw on.

Side: Originality has not died.
1 point

Originality isn't dead! People just have to use their brain a little more to achieve that creative process.

For example, all the movies out have been based on books, stories, or even old other films. The problem here is everyone wants theirs to be on top, so they get it out there as soon as possible, not thinking about what could make this better.

Every once and a while a creative person comes along and shares his bright idea with the world..... we just have to listen!

Side: Originality has not died.
1 point

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Side: Originality has not died.