
Debate Info

Debate Score:17
Total Votes:22
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Saurbaby(5581) pic

Our vote up/down option, read the description please. Do you agree with me?

Okay, I think the voting thing is really pointless. This is a debate site and the point of these debates is to give our opinion and supporting it. 

We're not doing that at all by the voting. 


Should it be deleted. I think it should. 

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5 points

I like to know how many people relate to the many inaccurate points I make ;)

4 points

Delete it.


3 points

I see your point, that up voting is devoid of substance and meaning, but I don't completely agree with you. If used properly, aka when people only up vote concise and well supported arguments they agree with, those arguments are brought to the top of the debate and if only the good arguments are upvoted then the real points can be debated. If the worthy arguments are upvoted there is a better chance of them being seen and making more of an impact. Otherwise the debate would be mainly dominated by the people who answer first, not by the quality of amswers (assuming upvoting is done properly) Although many people just upvote anything they agree with... which i don't agree with because it defeats the purpose of what upvoting is supposed to accomplish.

3 points

It would be better off gone but I do like seeing how many people agree/disagree with you.

2 points

I would like to see who agrees and not to mention how are they supposed to see when an idiot is being a racist or making inappropriate comments if we don't downrave them.

Personally I don't care, one way or another because if I don't agree with you I will let you know