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Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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dammeejay(37) pic

Parents are Responsible for Teens Delinquency


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 3
1 point

Teenagers who are raised by single parent are likely to to participate in illegal activities,expecially if he's lacking discipline from any of the parents. Parental Negligence,poor educational background amongst others could lure the child into crimal activities in the society. Parents who expose their kids to violence also are responsible.The child would want to try things out and so engage in it.Family disintegration,parents are responsible for this also as it has a long way of changing the life of a child negatively.

Side: Yes/For
Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

Not exactly. Teenagers raised by single parents are more likely to participate in illegal activities, but not categorically "likely". Some single parents manage quite well, particularly if they have adequate and reliable income that allows them to spend time with their child(ren).

Parental negligence is really more to blame, though again it is not always the direct fault of parents who may be operating under very difficult socioeconomic or other circumstances which make their involvement more difficult. Some parents can also be over involved, which can contribute to behavioral issues. If by exposure to violence you mean real violence in the household then I agree, but if you mean violent media the evidence simply does not support that conclusion. By family disintegration I assume you mean separation or divorce, which is disruptive but does not necessarily lead to overall negative effects on children.

Poor education also does not inherently lead to delinquency, unless there is a resultant lack of opportunity which is usually but not always the case.

Peer group influence is another important variable you left out, and parents may have somewhat limited control over that. Genetics plays an important roll too. There are other less significant but still relevant variables as well, which suggest that parents are not usually entirely to blame (and sometimes may even be largely without fault).

Side: No/Against
dammeejay(37) Disputed
1 point

You'll agree with me that poor educational background,parental negligence,exposure to physical violence,family disintegration has more negative effect that positive effect on a child,hence contributing into teens delinquency.

Side: Yes/For
dammeejay(37) Disputed
1 point

You'll agree with me that poor educational background,parental negligence,exposure to physical violence,family disintegration has more negative effect than positive effect on a child,hence contributing into teens delinquency.

Side: Yes/For
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