
Debate Info

No the should not Yes they should
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:7
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 No the should not (1)
 Yes they should (2)

Debate Creator

amber97(31) pic

People under 20 Should Not Be In Jail For Life

No the should not

Side Score: 1

Yes they should

Side Score: 3
-1 points

Even if they kill someone and they are under 20, they shouldn't go to prison for life. they are only young. they need to see the world, instead of being locked up in a prison cell forever.

Side: No the should not
Kinda(1649) Disputed
2 points

I'm sorry. That's just stupid.

Amazingly so.

Side: Yes they should
0 points

It doesn't matter their age.I magine if a 15-year old crazy boy decides to kill all of the people in his country?

Side: Yes they should