
Debate Info

yes, or we cannot believe them no, it is time consuming
Debate Score:18
Total Votes:18
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 yes, or we cannot believe them (9)
 no, it is time consuming (6)

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protazoa(427) pic

People who never cite

It has come to my attention that many people never cite the various sources they claim to have read and base their argument off of. Any person could, on the spot, make a statistic such as

"20% of people do not cite their sources"

and you have absolutely no idea whether or not it is true!

Should people on CreateDebate cite their sources? This is not a matter of anybody should be forced to cite everything all of the time"- only a general opinion of if the benefits of verification outnumber the disadvantage of preventing arguments from people without time to find the article they mentioned.

yes, or we cannot believe them

Side Score: 12

no, it is time consuming

Side Score: 6
2 points

although I don't put up any sources supporting my arguments but I do surf the net enough to take a decision. not many people do that. it's really annoying when people write nothing that makes sense and still get up voted.


I don't really know why I don't put up any links that would support my argument better. =\=\=\=\=\

@@@ my head hurts thinking bout it... ><

Side: yes, or we cannot believe them
1 point

If you do the research, might as well post the source. "providing[s] support my statement and make[s] it more credible."

Side: yes, or we cannot believe them
2 points

When making a statistical claim, it should be expected that a source will be cited. Too often this doesn't happen. =/

Side: yes, or we cannot believe them
1 point

In National Forensics Debate, you cannot say the sky is blue without a source

Or they will pull Nietzsche and say that the senses are flawed, and there is no certainty about the color of the sky or if the sky even exists :P

Side: yes, or we cannot believe them
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
1 point


But a clever person can debate anything from the color of the sky to their own existence and whether they are even typing their own argument.

It becomes silly. Logic and an accepted base of knowledge has managed to move humanity steadily forward for hundreds of thousands of years. How fast I can look up the distance from earth to moon, is no prerequisite to determining the moon exists.

Side: no, it is time consuming

you cannot say the sky is blue without a source

Is one expected to carry an emission line spectrum of Nitrogen or merely point to a window?

Or they will pull Nietzsche and say that the senses are flawed, and there is no certainty about the color of the sky or if the sky even exists

That whole viewpoint is just so wearisome isn't it?

Side: yes, or we cannot believe them
1 point

Especially when I am posing a statistical argument, I always try to include a source, preferably two with identical or very similar data.

It is disheartening how often even that goes completely disregarded.

Side: yes, or we cannot believe them

It can clear things up, but we derive pleasure from waiting until the belligerent demands verification, believing that there is none to be found, before presenting aforesaid with the citation. Shuts them up, as it were.

Side: yes, or we cannot believe them
1 point

If i wanted to cite things 100% of the time, I would have become an English Major.

Side: no, it is time consuming
protazoa(427) Disputed
2 points

"This is not a matter of anybody should be forced to cite everything all of the time"

please read the prompt- as grammatically incomprehensible as it may be (sorry)

Although citations to literature are one form of reference, I was talking about referencing sources. Hopefully, not only English majors report their statistics, but scientists, engineers, reporters, and essentially any career that involves research and analysis.

The question I was aiming to bring about is if it is necessary for people to directly cite sources that they mention.

Side: yes, or we cannot believe them
1 point

I cite occasionally. I refuse to not debate based on whether I have the time to cite. I'm a busy man O.o

Most of my debates are logic based anyway.

Side: no, it is time consuming