
Debate Info

interesting still racist just cause
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:13
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 interesting (6)
 still racist just cause (3)

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brontoraptor(28599) pic

People who opose interracial marriage is small percent

And the small percentage of people who disapprove drops even more if you only count whites.

The point? Where are all of these invisible white supremacists the left keeps telling us about? Are they like fairies? Do they only come out at night? Are they shy?Are they a myth? Can you approve of interacial marriage and still have some hybrid racism? 


Side Score: 7

still racist just cause

Side Score: 5
2 points

I'm technically in an interracial marriage.

I say technically because I refuse to acknowledge race as a thing. It seems obvious to me that believing in race is racist to begin with.

I imagine a world hundreds or a thousand years from now where race is determined by hair color. People fighting for the right of red heads to vote or something. That's how stupid racism looks to me.

Side: interesting

You are correct. I have never met a White Supremace. Democrats will always take rare instances of hate groups and spew lies of how the GOP supports these miniscule numbers of hatefilled racists.

The Left must keep racism alive and well because constant divisive race bating keeps 95% of the Black vote coming to Democrats.

It's all politics and people who vote for Democrats are either the most dense stupid people not to get it, or they do get it but ony care for their free subsidies on the backs of tax payers.

Side: interesting
1 point

God damn bongos want to flitter-flutter my little Bonnie.

Well I say sir, I say sir!

Side: interesting
2 points

Hello bront:

Lemme take a poll of my community..

Bongoman probably HATES interracial marriage.. Poochy boy too. I don't think Dermot cares much for it. Cocopops and Kalamazoo don't have any kind words for black people, so for sure, they're against it. Plus, there's a few more racists who pop in once in a while, and they HATE it too..

So, I'd say that's about HALF of us, at least.. No?


Side: still racist just cause
Chinaman(3570) Disputed
1 point

Referencing the fictional shows your half with us. Being lenient here.

Side: interesting
NerdRaper(65) Disputed
1 point

I admit I do read your posts from time to time, with all this I can see you are an utter embarrassment and disappointment to your parents...when all you had to do was rob a liquor store.


Side: interesting
Dermot(5736) Disputed
1 point

You see that's your problem , you make assumptions about absolutely everyone and brand everyone on C D as a racist which is hilarious as you're the sites biggest racist making you a hypocrite .

You did say blacks were ' uppitty ' didn't you ? You're a racist and too cowardly too own it

Side: interesting
1 point

You don't understand systemic and institutional racism because your racism is sub conscious.

Just as racist individuals, such as members of the KKK, took actions against people based on race, racist institutions, such as Jim Crow laws, implemented systematic impositions against people based on race. Though almost no individuals or institutions explicitly do this anymore, all individuals and institutions do this implicitly, which, it turns out, is even worse.

Have you ever felt the way everyone who gets pulled over feels? Like maybe you didn't do anything wrong? Well, if your black, it's true because cops are sub-consciously racist by virtue of the fact that you're black (even if the cop is black too). Ever felt, just like everyone else, that your problems are unique to you and other people seem to have it easier? Well, if you're black, it's because your problems are unique to black prople and all white people are better off.

Ever agree with mathematically backed and historically proven economics of the Right, only to be called an Uncle Tom? Well that's not because other people are racist, it's because you are a black white supremacist.

Ever been offended because you were called the N word? Well whoever called you that is probably, almost certainly racist. For real.

Side: still racist just cause
1 point

Where are all of these invisible white supremacists the left keeps telling us about?

Hello bront:

Here they are.. I dunno HOW you missed 'em..


Side: still racist just cause