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 Political correctness refuses to speak to irresponsible behaviors that so hurt our society (10)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

Political correctness refuses to speak to irresponsible behaviors that so hurt our society

I lived during the aids epedemic and the political correct Progressive's were just starting their conditioning of Americans to their pro Homosexual agendas. They could never allow such bad press with this desase. The Left wanted no press on Gay swapping parties being the main cuase for the spreading of this disease.

No matter how obvious it was that this was a disease mainly spread by Gays,(because of the blood involved in the manner they have sex), and the sex parties and swapping of partners, etc. the Left had to down play the connection. Many people died because of it!

Remember the hemophiliac Ryan White who contracted the virus through a blood transfusion and later died? They used that poor boy to non stop push their narrative how Aids was not mainly a disease spread by Gays, but rather a disease we should all fear getting no matter our lifestyles. He was plastered all over the media even though those cases of aids from blood transfusion were rare and almost non existent after they started checking the blood in hospitals.

They constantly talked about the rare tainted blood transfusions in surgery(blood given from the main spreaders of the disease...... infected Gays or drug addicts) They usually talked about infected drug needles, or sex in general(not gay sex), but seldom did they say it like we all saw it. It was a disease mainly spread by Gays because of how they had sex and their very promiscuous sexual lifestyles.

The numbers were overwhelming! Homosexuals only made up approximately 2% of our population but the vast majority of people with Aids were Gays.

That is when all this political correct garbage started. Many people died because the Liberal media REFUSED to shame the behavior that was spreadng this disease. That is why so many people were not careful when having sex parties with other Gays. They were kept blind to the fact that they were at so much more risk by having Gay sex with multiple partners.

We hardly ever heard the common sense statement that if you stayed committed to one partner, who you could trust was not having sex with others, there was almost no chance of ever getting Aids. Even after they started checking the blood in hospitals, they still refused to tell us how it would be almost impossible to get Aids if you simply stayed monogamous and did not take illegal drugs. Thousands died because it ws not politically correct to blame the irresponsible behavior spreading Aids.

Aids was one of the first issues showing clear evidence of this Progressive no fault culture that hates the very mention of moral values.(even as people die)

This feeds right into my many debates speaking to this no fault culture where you can live any irresponsible lifestyle you want, and no one can speak out. Our society will no longer stand up and shame the behaviors doing so much damage to our nation.

Look at the 72% of broken homes in the African American community. Do we ever hear of the irresponsible behaviors creating these broken families? No because this would not be political correct to speak to moral values and irresponsible behavior, especially when it is a voting block for the Left.

Approx. 95% of African Americans vote for Democrats! Hence, this is why the Left says nothing about the core reasons for the problems of African Americans such as the high crime rates and chronic unemployment. The Left must perpetuate the narrative that Black people are victims of the racist white man, and the cause of all their problems.  This way they can keep a strangle hold on the Black vote.

Political correctness wil be the death of America and is the only reason Trump is doing so well. So many Americans are fed up with political correctness.

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The greatest sin in a liberal's mind (assuming the have one) is to say, or do something that might offend someone. Therefore, you can't acknowledge the truth and act upon it lest you hurt someone's feelings. I think you're spot on on your assessment; political correctness is a bane to our society and contrary to the general public welfare.

I agree with what you say except for one thing. Liberals have no problem shaming Christians, or Conservatives when we speak out. They will offend anyone at odds with their PC progressive agendas.

They call us homophobes, haters of women, haters of poor people, racists, etc. etc.

They have no problem offending any diverse thought that shines a light on the utter destructive ideology they support.

But they refuse to shame those who spread Aids when living promiscuous lives. They refuse to shame dead beat fathers abandoning their children.

Progressives are corrupt hypocritical idiots with the compassion of animals.

I stand corrected. They certainly have no problems slamming anything from the right and would side with the devil just to spite us.

1 point

All the history of murder and oppression and bigotry and misogyny and religious zealotry that your Reactionary Right Wing goons have foisted upon the world over the centuries and you pull a 30 years old Ryan White story out of your fat ass?


You're really scraping the bottle of the barrel, amigo.

And you have accused ME of living in the past when I mention Christian atrocities? Even when I gave you a list of them as recent as 2013?


OK..ban me now!


1 point

It hurts the same society that has the approval of more than the 60% of it?

1 point

In the 80s, homosexuality/sodomy were illegal in many states, leading the gay population to rightly fear their government. If we had been "politically correct" and had abolished those archaic laws, it is possible the the epidemic could have been studied better earlier and probably reduced. Republican Rep Bill Dannemeyer publicly argued that AIDS patients should be registered, quarantined and deported. This made it harder to get AIDS patients to consent to research.

When Henry Waxman and Ted Kennedy (both Liberal Democrats) tried to pass a bill to get research funding and control the epidemic in '88, Republican Jesse Helms essentially scrapped the bill, claiming its "privacy provisions" constituted "special rights" for gays.

And then you have Ronald Reagan's domestic policy advisor Gary Bauer, a serious conservative who was very stubborn about Reagan NOT talking publicly about because...


It was the Republicans who refused to talk about the so-called irresponsible behaviors.

For Reagan's part, he did more than he is given credit for, but it still took him4 years to say anything on the topic and 3 more years to even come close to DOING something about it.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Total hogwash!!!!!!!!!!!!! The media is not controlled by politicians. Our Liberal media refused to blame the vast majority of Aids cases on the Gay community and therefore were accomplices on the spread. Whenever a Republican dared mention the obvious, he was crucified by the Left as you just did.

Quarentine is what we just did with the recent diseases starting in this nation. It's what a sane nation does with a killer disease until we understand it better. Why is it that we were not quarentining people who had Aids? BECAUSE OF THE POLITICAL CORRECT POWERFUL LBGT LOBBYISTS GIVING BIG MONEY TO THE LEFT.

The fear of being quarentined may have prevented the promiscuous sex spreading it so quickly.

Darkyear(345) Disputed
1 point

Show me examples of conservative media trying to get the word out in the 80s. And most of what I mentioned WAS before we knew that AIDS could effect all sexualities, so the left would have mentioned it to warn homosexuals.

Quarentine is what we just did with the recent diseases starting in this nation.

But deporting? And putting them on a register, when their lifestyle might be illegal in their state?

The republicans, especially Bauer, did not want the president to speak about it. AND the stalled the bill that would have funded research earlier on. They didn't want to talk about gays or birth control. Republicans are responsible the death of countless AIDS cases, gay and straight.

And SO MANY right-wingers and Christian have jubilantly declared that AIDS is God's weapon against gays. Die faggot die, right? Admit it, you've said that at least a few times in your life, haven't you?

0 points

You were wrong about how to prevent AIDS. Using condoms prevents AIDS. Why should we listen to you about anything else?