
Debate Info

Fake news Fakery
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:8
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 Fake news (4)
 Fakery (2)

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Nemesis1(21) pic

Politico caught lying about Trump and Bank of China


Trump owed tens of millions to Bank of China

Politico Quietly Updates Article After Claiming Trump Currently ‘Owes’ Millions To Bank Of China

Fake news

Side Score: 5


Side Score: 2
2 points

“POLITICO reported that the Trump Organization is a party to a loan that includes the Bank of China,” a Politico spokesperson said. “This was based on multiple publicly available documents, including a 2017 filing with the city of New York that remains current through 2022. The loan and the Bank of China’s participation in the financing of the property at 1290 Avenue of the Americas is part of the public record.”

“After publication, the Bank of China’s NY-based PR representative called, stating that the Bank had sold that debt shortly after the 2012 deal. We included their on-the-record statement—that focused on this specific loan—in full. We also noted that the Bank of China described the 2017 public filing as a ‘technical error.’ It did not agree to provide documentation to support their assertion it has no ‘ownership interest’ in ‘that loan’ or any other loan. The updated article and headline reflected this new reporting, and the changes were prominently flagged atop the article.”

“Finance experts have told POLITICO that the documents provided to us were complex and didn’t necessarily reveal who currently holds that debt, including the Bank of China. The 2017 filing with the city of New York still lists them as a creditor. POLITICO will continue to report on this story.”

In other words, they posted based off the information they had, then they changed it when they had additional information provided that they would not otherwise have had. They didn't double down on a lie.

Side: Fake news

Liberal journalists shout lies about Trump from the mountain tops and when wrong, go to the deepest valley and whisper a retraction.

Side: Fakery
1 point

Liberal journalists shout lies about Trump from the mountain tops and when wrong, go to the deepest valley and whisper a retraction

Yes, funny how poor old Trump is the victim of an international media conspiracy, in much the same way that Adolf Hitler was. Of course, the smart ones like us know that when thousands of people are calling one person a liar, it is the thousands of people who are usually lying.

Side: Fake news
1 point

When in doubt, whip Adolph out. You two are tight, very tight.

Side: Fakery