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 President Walter is a LIAR (5)

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Chinaman(3570) pic

President Walter is a LIAR

Joe Biden says after he was elected VP, he awarded his Uncle Frank with a Purple Heart he earned at the Battle of the Bulge. There is no evidence any of that is true — and Biden's uncle died in 1999, while Biden wasn't elected VP until 2008.
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2 points

He lies a lot so..

1 point

You Idiot Leftist believe everything that comes out of Walter's mouth

The idiot cannot help but LIE because Walter knows nothing but LIES !!!!!!!!!!

1 point

There are several ways to know when Joe Biden is lying

His lips are moving.

1 point

Pathetic, but status quo for this dementia ridden liar.

No, this is not a senile moment. The man has done this for decades. He lies all the time — even on topics that can be easily debunked. It’s pathological.

1 point

It is against all the accepted morals of human decency for the puppeteers of this senile old man to permit him to continue to make a fool of himself and the entire nation.

Poor old Joe, should be at home playing at being Napoleon leading his grande armee to the great victory at Austerlitz.

Or maybe playing hide-and-seek with his grandchildren, ANY FUCKING THING RATHER THAN PRETENDING HE IS THE LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD.

This deranged old chap lost his marbles a long time ago and, due to his plainly seen inability to conduct the affairs of state in a competent and responsible manner, should have been impeached about 5 minutes after his inauguration .

But hey, we mustn't lose sight of the fact that the majority of Americans voted for this pathetic old clown.

In this context it is logical to conclude that this is what the nation wants, or in other words.; A DONKEY LEADING DONKEYS.