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 Prove the Earth is not flat. (44)

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Prove the Earth is not flat.

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10 points

Top ten reasons from this site.

1) The Moon and its motions

2) Ships and the horizon

3) Varying star constellations

4) Sticks and Shadows test

5) Seeing farther from higher

6) Ridng in a plane

7) Look at other planets

8) Existence of time zones

9) Center of gravity

10) Pictures from space

Supporting Evidence: Top ten ways to prove the earth is round (
Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
1 point

The title says prove that the earth is flat, not have some one else prove that it is round.

I can prove solely on my own that the earth is flat. I can place a ball on the ground and it doesn't roll. If the earth was an arc then the Ball should roll.

2 points

This title says Prove the earth is "not" flat. Also if you place a ball on the moon it won't do anything either. Surface area is massive. But if the earth was flat then it would be a sheet of ice because there would be no connection currents heating us up. So..........

Quocalimar(6470) Disputed
2 points

Please tell me you're kidding.

These bowling balls must be flat if you're not

When you look out across the ocean at an approaching ship, you'll first see just the top, then you'll see more and more as less of the ship is hidden behind the ocean.

If the Earth were flat, the ship would appear as a tiny dot that got bigger, but your perspective wouldn't change.

Supporting Evidence: Or maybe the Earth is flat after all (
Banana_Slug(845) Disputed
1 point

no, no, no, no, those ships that getting further from you and smaller (from the bottom to top) is because they are falling over the Earth edge.

those that you can see "first the top and then the bottom" (so called approaching ones) are those with strong engines climbing back over the Earths edge.

2 points

This is like saying prove the sun is not flat. We have seen the sun and it is a sphere. Seeing that the universe loves to follow patterns it is safe to assume the earth is not flat. Also, have you even taken a look around? The definition of flat is clearly not what is being shown. A simple hillside or mountain proves the earth is not "flat". the real arguement would be prove that the earth is not simply a plain. Even then a general hillside or mountain destroys the concept.

Banana_Slug(845) Disputed
0 points

what if sun is flat... a disk that rotates about the same speed as earth does?

1 point

..... You make no sense. We would notice the sun turning into a catlike pupil. The only way we couldn't notice is if the sun rotated around the earth and we in disk format rotated at the exact same speed of the suns revolution thus giving us perminant days and nights. I will speak no more on this matter. It is a troll.

1 point

Gravity doesnt allow flat things of that mass to exist. Do you understand how planets are formed?

Earth is flat, because bible says so .

Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
2 points

The Bible doesn't say the Earth is flat, people have said the Bible says this.

Banana_Slug(845) Disputed
1 point

The Bible doesn't say the Earth is flat, people have said the Bible says this.

Off course ...because people reads it out of the bible ....

Jungelson(3955) Disputed
1 point

If the Bible said the world is flat, the world must be spherical.

Banana_Slug(845) Disputed
1 point

Quran also says that Earth is flat. !

1 point

Trigonometry has proved the world is flat. I could also mention about 100 other things but you will disprove them all, with your apparently witty smut. I say trigonometry as it's the first thing that comes to mind ( apart form we have seen it from space ) that no one has mentioned.

That guy has Ph.D in Astronomy from Baghdad Uni. so he knows what is he talking about :d

Proof from Quran/Bible that Earth is flat
link6065(740) Disputed
1 point

Interesting. Makes a great debate topic. "Does collage or university actually teach people anything at all.

Banana_Slug(845) Disputed
1 point

In middle east is very common that the main subject on which depends passing your grades is memorizing Quran. That is the core thing no matter what you study...Chemical Engineering, Medicine, Physics... if you do this you will get your degree.

I believe the best way to prove anything to anyone is to let him prove it to themselves.

Travel from where you are now until you go either over the age or back to where you are now, you will have your answer.

Makes sense to me .

How freaking awesome would that be? We just find out were on some giant space turtle's back being held up by smaller space elephants swimming through space around the sun or some shit... That would be mind blowing if it was reality.