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Racism born or made?


Side Score: 20


Side Score: 19

They've studied babies, and even babies show bias in social experiments. It's actually a part of human survival instincts to be able to discern when something is "different" or "out of place". To use race as a discerning tool is actually normal. To hate simply based on race when the person is nonthreatening, is on your side, etc is when it becomes learned and abnormal.

Side: born
excon(18261) Disputed
1 point

Hello bront:

I'm betting that babies raised by racist parents exhibit racism too. Why is that so surprising??


Side: raised
1 point

The problem is that the left has a tortured definition of racism. They can't imagine that a black person can wonder what a white man driving a BMW is doing in their predominantly black neighborhood without being a racist. They cannot grasp that a person can see a woman wearing a hijab on a plane and have a mild anxious reaction without being racist. They cannot wrap their minds around a white person in a predominantly white neighborhood seeing a black man in his neighborhood makes him wonder about the guy without being a racist.

There are studies that actually show that how you dress gets a different reaction. Example? A black man walked around dressed a certain way and got negative attention or lack of attention. The same black man dressed in a suit, and the reactions completely stopped.

Side: born
1 point

I'm betting that babies raised by racist parents exhibit racism too

1)These babies have no communication skills yet. They are 6 months old, sometimes younger, and they aren't just white babies.

2)Yes. The babies of die hard liberals do turn into racists many times. Hating white people simply for being white is learned.

Side: born
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

What up FRAUD and how would you know who are racist parents who are not ? Give up some information to backup your claim !

Side: born
excon(18261) Disputed
0 points

Hello bront:

If I was a hater, I'd like to believe I was born that way.. That way I wouldn't have to take responsibility for it..


Side: raised
1 point



Side: born
3 points

While I accept that babies have an instinctive defense mechanism to be aware and wary of anything or anyone that seems different or out of place I believe that racism can develop from personal experience and observation.

Through their ingenuity, and cultural characteristics some races contribute positively to the societies in which they live while others are at best parasites who leech from the hard working members of own communities and at worst are downright liabilities.

My observations and experiences have left me in no doubt whatsoever that blacks are, generally speaking, lazy with a predisposition to violent crime and lack the personal discipline necessary to apply themselves to formal education.

Most other racial groups such as white Europeans and Asians can come to the United States, work hard and achieve their goals in life.

Blacks, not whites, or Asians have the ''oh poor us'' syndrome which is encouraged by the Loonie leftist bleeding heart brigade who make excuses for the blacks who,--once more, generally speaking and with many exceptions such as Barack Obama,-- are, due to certain congenital racial characteristics, will never be able to compete successfully in a white man's world.

Side: raised
Truth-Out(18) Disputed
1 point

How can you be so low as to accuse a race of black people of having an "oh poor us" syndrome? Blacks were dragged out of their continent to come and work as slaves in America. And in 2017 they're still treated like 2nd class citizens.

You look at any poor ghetto in America and what's synonymous within them? Poor blacks and latinos. And they're going to stay poor unless their schools are improved upon. Education is the key to getting over poverty. The typical black child who is born and raised in poverty sees his parents work 8-10 hours a day for $8.75 and still need welfare and food stamps to eat. Then he sees drug dealers who are flaunting their wealth, wearing flashy clothes and having a great life. What course do you think that poor black child is going to follow,? Work like a slave for minimum wage or turn to a life of crime, a superficial happiness?

And furthermore, we have a prison industrial complex all in pursuit of profits, which uses prisons to work for companies. The private prison owners have financial incentives ti keep prisons full of "cheap "labor".

Side: born
1 point

Hello val:

Hate is LEARNED..................................


Side: raised
outlaw60(15368) Clarified
2 points

"Rather I should die a thousand times … than see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds." - Robert Byrd, Democrat Senator (1959 through 2010) and founder of the Sophia, West Virginia chapter of the Ku Klux Klan (150 members)

“I did not lie awake at night worrying about the problems of Negroes.” – Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, 1961

“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness” - Lyndon B. Johnson (1963)

“I’ll have those ngers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” - Lyndon B. Johnson confiding in two governors why the passage of his civil rights and welfare legislation was important (1963)

Democrats own racism but history does elude you Progressives !

Side: born
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

You are 100% correct. When our Public universities display a painting of President Trump's severed head on their walls, hate is definitely taught and learned.

Side: born
1 point

Hatred is learned. Children can be afraid of differences growing up, that doesn't make them racist. The behavior that comes from it is taught by either the parents or society.

Side: raised
outlaw60(15368) Clarified
2 points

"Rather I should die a thousand times … than see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds." - Robert Byrd, Democrat Senator (1959 through 2010) and founder of the Sophia, West Virginia chapter of the Ku Klux Klan (150 members)

“I did not lie awake at night worrying about the problems of Negroes.” – Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, 1961

“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness” - Lyndon B. Johnson (1963)

“I’ll have those ngers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” - Lyndon B. Johnson confiding in two governors why the passage of his civil rights and welfare legislation was important (1963)

Where could it be Democrats came to be racist ?

Side: born
Mint_tea(4641) Disputed
1 point

Judging by your response, is your position that all children are born racist Democrats? What a convoluted thought process you have.

Side: born
1 point


On the one hand it is true many animals are born with an instinct to favor their own pack over those less familiar. Racism probably isn't the most accurate word for that, though. It's more like xenophobia.

But on the other hand, human beings are a social species which spend the full first quarter of their lives learning how to deal with each other. Some learn to get over their fears and suspicions of others, while others learn to accentuate those fears. It's that latter group which most people are talking about when they refer to racists. We're not so concerned with people who just don't want to come out of their comfort zone. We're concerned with people who are extremely comfortable yelling hateful things and burning crosses and lynching.

Side: raised
outlaw60(15368) Clarified
2 points

"Rather I should die a thousand times … than see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds." - Robert Byrd, Democrat Senator (1959 through 2010) and founder of the Sophia, West Virginia chapter of the Ku Klux Klan (150 members)

“I did not lie awake at night worrying about the problems of Negroes.” – Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, 1961

“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness” - Lyndon B. Johnson (1963)

“I’ll have those ngers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” - Lyndon B. Johnson confiding in two governors why the passage of his civil rights and welfare legislation was important (1963)

The above good Democrats could not be racist could they ?

Side: born

Lets see, we have had our President beheaded twice now by these so called tolerant inclusive open minded Liberals.

They are displaying paintings of his severed head on the walls of our public Colleges.

How is that any different from racism against Black people?

Putting up paintings of trump's severed head is hate speech against Conservatives. It is no different than the racism that hypocrite Liberals scream about every day.

Side: raised

"In the BCs, skin colour difference was never a topic for discussion. It was unoticeable unless necesity comes for a proper description of someone.

But after AD colonisations, children have been brought up by society to be racists. These modern racists have even attempted to temper with history. Ex. Hannibal barca, Tutankham were negros but are portrayed as cacaussians. The reason is no negro could have done that.

Two babies black and white in a hospital sleeping beside each other do not know racism. They need a home,culture of philosophies to be taught who is not equal to him on what basis or standards.

What is surprising is some whites also feel superior to other whites(irish, indians, latinos)

Racism is babarism which did exist even in the ancient days.

Ten ways whites are racists than they realize

. College professors, across race/ethnicity and gender, are more likely to respond to queries from students they believe are white males. Despite universities frequently being described as bastions of progressivism and liberal indoctrination centers, a recent study found that faculty of colleges and universities are more likely to ignore requests for mentorship from minority and/or female students. Researchers sent more than 6,500 professors at 259 schools in 89 disciplines identical letters that differed only in the name and implied race/gender of the fictitious student sender (e.g., “Mei Chen” as an Asian female; “Keisha Thomas” as a black female; “Brad Anderson” as a white male). The study found that regardless of discipline (with the sole exception of fine arts), faculty more consistently responded to perceived white males. Two notable additional findings: 1) professors at public institutions were significantly more likely than their private institution counterparts to respond to students of color, and 2) the students most discriminated against were perceived East Asian women, followed by South Asian men. You can look at the numbers up close here.

2. White people, including white children, are less moved by the pain of people of color, including children of color, than by the pain of fellow whites. Three distinct studies support this finding. The first found that around age 7, white children began to believe black children are less susceptible to pain than white children. Another study found that emergency room personnel are less likely to give African American and Latino/Hispanic children pain medication, even when they are experiencing severe abdominal pain. The same study also found that even when the same tests are ordered, black and Hispanic children face significantly longer emergency room stays. A third study found that white people feel less empathy toward black people in pain than they do for whites experiencing pain.

3. White people are more likely to have done illegal drugs than blacks or Latinos, but are far less likely to go to to jail for it. A 2011 study from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Data Archive found white people were more likely to use illegal and prescription opiates (heroin, oxycontin), hallucinogens, and cocaine than blacks and Hispanics by significant margins. Black people just edged out white people on marijuana and crack use (which incurred disproportionate sentences for decades). Yet, a 2009 Human Rights Watch study found that each year from 1980 to 2007, blacks were arrested on drug charges at rates 2.8 to 5.5 times higher than whites.

4. Black men are sentenced to far lengthier prison sentences than white men for the same crimes. A 2012 study by the United States Sentencing Commission found black men were sentenced to prison terms nearly 20 percent longer than white men for similar crimes. To break those numbers down further, from January 2005 to December 2007, sentences for black males were 15.2 percent longer than those of their white counterparts. From December 2007 to September 2011, that number actually increased, with differences in sentencing growing to 19.5 percent.

5. White people, including police, see black children as older and less innocent than white children. A UCLA psychological study surveyed mostly white, male police officers to determine “prejudice and unconscious dehumanization of black people.” Researchers found a correlation between officers who unconsciously dehumanized blacks and those who had used force against black children in custody. The study also found that white female college students saw black and white children as equally innocent until age 9, after which they perceived black boys as significantly older — by about four and half years — and less innocent than their white peers. UCLA researcher Phillip Atiba Goff wrote, “Our research found that black boys can be seen as responsible for their actions at an age when white boys still benefit from theassumption that children are essentially innocent.” Which leads right to our next stats.

6. Black children are more likely to be tried as adults and are given harsher sentences than white children. A Stanford University study uncovered this sobering information: “[S]imply bringing to mind a black (vs. white) juvenile offender led [white study] participants to view juveniles in general as significantly more similar to adults in their inherent culpability and to express more support for severe sentencing.” That is, when white respondents thought the child on trial was black, they were more like to endorse “sentencing all juveniles to life without parole when they have committed serious violent crimes.” That might explain why, of the roughly 2,500 juveniles in the U.S. who have been sentenced to life without parole, nearly all (97 percent) were male and (60 percent) black. Interesting study note: for black kids, killing a white person was a good way to end up behind bars for their entire adult life. For white kids, killing a black person actually helped their chances of ensuring their prison stay would be temporary. From the report: “[T]he proportion of African American [juveniles sentenced to life without parole] for the killing of a white person (43.4 percent) is nearly twice the rate at which African American juveniles overall have taken a white person’s life (23.2 percent). What’s more, we find that the odds of a [juvenile life without probation] sentence for a white offender who killed a black victim are only about half as likely (3.6 percent) as the proportion of white juveniles arrested for killing blacks (6.4 percent).”

7. White people are more likely to support the criminal justice system, including the death penalty, when they think it’s disproportionately punitive toward black people. That’s right: white people agree with criminal justice outcomes more when they think race disproportionately targets black people for incarceration. According to a 2012 Stanford study conducted in “liberal” San Francisco and New York City, when white people were told that black people were unfairly impacted by punitive criminal justice policies like three-strikes laws and stop-and-frisk, they were less likely to advocate for criminal justice reform. In a similar vein, researchers found in 2007 that telling whites about racist sentencing laws made them favor harsher sentences. That is, racism made them like those sentences more. The study authors write: “[O]ur most startling finding is that many whites actually become more supportive of the death penalty upon learning that it discriminates against blacks.”

8. The more “stereotypically black” a defendant looks in a murder case, the higher the likelihood he will be sentenced to death. This is perhaps one of the most horrifying findings in a list of horrifying findings. To quote the study, “the degree to which the defendant is perceived to have a stereotypically black appearance (e.g., broad nose, thick lips, dark skin)” could mean the difference between a sentence of life or death, particularly if his victim was white. Read the whole study; it’s fascinating.

9. Conversely, white people falsely recall black men they perceive as being “smart” as being lighter-skinned. Here’s another incredible, though not entirely surprising study finding. When white people encounter the faces of African American men they are primed to believe are “educated,” they later recall those individuals as being lighter-skinned than they actually were. The researchers developed a name for this phenomenon: “skin tone memory bias.” This compulsion was chalked up to stereotypical beliefs about dark skin and its correlation with negative traits. To reckon with the cognitive dissonance created by perceiving a black man as “educated,” white participants unconsciously realigned that intelligence with skin that more closely approximated whiteness.

10. A number of studies find white people view lighter-skinned African

Americans (and Latinos) as more intelligent, competent, trustworthy and reliable than their darker-skinned peers. A 2006 study found that dark-skinned black men with MBAs were less likely to be hired than lighter-skinned black men who only possessed bachelor’s degrees. A 2010 study in North Carolina found that light-skinned black women received shorter prison terms than darker-skinned black women. And a 2012 Villanova University study found that, “African American and Latino respondents with the lightest skin are several times more likely to be seen by whites as intelligent compared with those with the darkest skin.”

The implications of these findings are hugely significant, and lend credence to the often expressed feeling of tokenization by black people who are deemed smart, successful or intelligent by whites. That is, the feeling that white people perceive certain African Americans as exceptional or “not like the others.” It also adds an important layer to the conversation around colorism, which privileges light skin above darker skin both within and outside of communities of color. (And has helped skin lightening products become a booming global industry in places like India, the Philippines and some parts of Africa.)"

Some whites claim they feel oppressed. When your ancestors went to invade a continent, robbed them brutaly like mindless savages, gathered all sorts of minerals to develop your country as you current see it and like it, packed their people in thousands to work and develop your lands but when they gained their freedom, you feel oppressed?

Aren't you feeling oppressed with the other minerals and elements which contributes to your development though they are foreign?

Side: raised
1 point

Babies don't care if they see another baby of a different race, they will react to them as they would react to their own race. Even children act the same, it is not an issue.

It is the MEDIA, that has influenced young people to believe that you must have European features to look good e.g. straight/wavy hair (weaves), slim noses, paler or lighter skinned to be 'beautiful'. A lot of darker skinned woman have been forced to bleach their skin and felt the need for surgery to look 'better'. Even to the point where some black men have started to reject dark skinned women - it's just sad to be honest.

PARENTS have a lot to do with it as well - they'll slyly or boldly make racial slurs or even treat someone of a different race horrible AND their children analyse their behaviour and think it's RIGHT and 'normal'.

There is a particular age where kids start to actually analyse and think whether race is an issue or not.

Side: raised