
Debate Info

We're almost there. We have a long way to go.
Debate Score:34
Total Votes:40
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 We're almost there. (7)
 We have a long way to go. (12)

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MKIced(2511) pic

Racism still exists. Now what?

You cannot deny racism's exsistance.  The KKK is still around and so are other individuals that harbor racist thoughts.  Are we ever going to get rid of it?  Will we ever come close?

We're almost there.

Side Score: 13

We have a long way to go.

Side Score: 21

I think we are about as good as it's going to get. I mean, we elected a black president, didn't we? ;)

Side: We're almost there.
1 point

Yeah, but there's a huge difference between electing Carlton and electing Will. We elected a Carlton.

Side: We're almost there.
1 point

lol, because we didn't have a Will dammit! Plus, isn't Carlton the smarter of the two? Even though the less amusing?

Side: We're almost there.
1 point

I agree. And also, he's only been in office for 3 1/2 months now. Meaning, I think there's potential of another assassination occuring, and I can't think of it being for any reason other than that he's black and part Muslim. But who knows, maybe I'm wrong.

Side: We're almost there.
neelanqj(52) Disputed
1 point

However, he isn't a purely black president. I think you are forgetting that. He is a half white, half black president...

Side: We have a long way to go.

Well then that explains why he's doing a half ass job ;)

OK, seriously, I was just kidding. I just couldn't resist. ;)

Side: We have a long way to go.

We're getting there but racism exists around the world. What can we do? Always bring it up and never forget what these people struggled for.

Side: We're almost there.
3 points

It is only in Canada and America where it seems as if it is getting better. However, if you go to the middle east, india or china or even Russia you see how things really are. Obama is just a small step for educated black fokes. Now he has to prove it to the people. Statistically, black people still are not doing well... however, it is better than 1970, when they were throwing stones at a bus of black fokes when they started to allow them into the Universities.

Side: We have a long way to go.
3 points

It was just in 1994 when black people were allowed to run for president in South Africa and the aparthid was ended. Obama is a big step, however, people are still waiting for him to screw up.

Side: We have a long way to go.
MKIced(2511) Disputed
1 point

Sure, people are waiting for him to mess up, like me. :) But he has a HUGE following- every liberal in the country and then some. And they don't just support him, they praise the ground he walks on.

Side: We're almost there.
1 point

You completely missed the point. The topic is racism. The people he's talking about in the previous post are those who don't want him to succeed because it would disprove their "whites are better than blacks" theory. Not everything is liberal and conservative, MK, but then again you are still young. You'll learn.

Side: We have a long way to go.
3 points

As long as man exists, so will ignorance.

we can try as much as we can but you have to be prepared that there are always going to be those more ignorant and confused than us. Its our job to help them and work with them, no matter how bad it gets.

Side: We have a long way to go.
2 points

I believe the reason why we still are inately racist is because of fear. Think of it this way. If you live among a certain group of people exclusively, youll get used to living among them exclusively. the moment you see something different, youll find yourself dealing with the unknown and you get scared. Youll tend to treat people differently if they look different on the outside. Example, Im chinese. The stereotype goes that White people are more eloquent and more intelligent than Yellow people. Thus subconsciously I put on a false front and act more intelligent and refined in front of white people.

Also, the nature of human beings is unpredictable. Again due to fear, we dont like this because human beings tend to live on patterns. And the moment a wildcard is thrown into the equation, we get frustrated because we are afraid of the unknown. So, if we cant get CERTAINTY, we settle for second best - HIGH PROBABILITY. Seeing as movies show that all niggas are G's, we begin to put together a model of the black man. over time, we will have assembled our own perception of the black man, and we use this perception to paint ALL blakc people with a single brush. All because we are uncertain about how people act.

Solution? Only time and understanding. And thats asking alot from the animals we can be.

Side: We have a long way to go.
1 point

We're not really there yet. The fact that we have a black president doesn't mean that most blacks or any other minority have the same opportunities as whites. In reality, a large percentage of the population still holds prejudices, whether conscious or subconscious, about other races.

Side: We have a long way to go.
1 point

We'll get there eventually, but it will take a while. It will appear as if we're almost there, and that will be great because racism is crude, informal and stupid. These people didn't do anything to deserve this prejudice.

Side: We have a long way to go.
1 point

We have a long way to go and i think we always will do because we cannot control peoples thoughts or feelings i admit it is getting better but we will never eradicate it unless the world was a permanent dictatorship. The undeveloped countries are not even under political control let alone what it can control its people from saying or doing. The best we can do is minimize it and try and prosecute those people that promote it. Barack Obama is a big step in the right direction for the war on racism in America as when he was elected it shook the foundation of the white power followers and made a lot of them think twice about other races been inferior.

Side: We have a long way to go.
1 point

There always will be ignorant fools who can't argument their choice

And will be racist because they are idiots and that makes them feel bigger, stronger, much more important in the community

Side: We have a long way to go.

It will be a long time before the mental scars of slavery are healed in the United States.

Side: We have a long way to go.