
Debate Info

Republicans are CORRUPT Trump can do no wrong
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 Republicans are CORRUPT (5)
 Trump can do no wrong (2)

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excon(18262) pic

Republicans say Mueller is corrupt because ONE of his men GAVE to the Democrats.


Yeah, BUT Trump WAS a Democrat..


Republicans are CORRUPT

Side Score: 6

Trump can do no wrong

Side Score: 2
2 points

He was also a top notch SINNER that evangelists would NOT have backed ... until he said he'd work to counter other religions, to fight "choice", to force us all to live by the Bible that HE never paid any attention to ... until it became a tool to build a base. He is a liar and a cheat (5K lawsuits now and in the past) a hypocrite ... something Evangelists hate ... unless s/he appears to be a "God fearing, church going person". Trumps "church" has 18 holes! Trumps "god" is the same one Hitler believed in when he wrote in Mein Kampf, "I believe today that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the almighty creator." I'm sure Trump feels the same way, every day.

Again, doesn't this have a "Trumpy" sound to it?? "Thus inwardly armed with confidence in God and the unshakable stupidity of the voting citizenry, the politicians can begin the fight for the "remaking" of the Reich (MAGA?), as they call it.(Welcome Mr. Moore) (Mein Kampf vol. 2, ch. 1) If THAT doesn't open some eyes, America, as we know it, is LOST! (Not great again).

Side: Republicans are CORRUPT
1 point

Up until he started investigating Trump, Robert Mueller was always considered to be a man with the highest level of integrity. What changed?

He's investigating people with no integrity, and exposing his followers as having none, themselves - they refuse to take an honest look at anything.

Side: Republicans are CORRUPT

Up until he started investigating Trump, Robert Mueller was always considered to be a man with the highest level of integrity. What changed?

It's an automated defence the Republicans use whenever you expose them for anything. They attack the credibility of the accuser. I've seen them do it to world class scientists, so the ex-head of the FBI is small fish to them.

Side: Republicans are CORRUPT
1 point

What's fascinating is the disparity in offenses.

One man in Mueller's group, compared to the entire administration of Trump being crooked and a half dozen of them potentially being treasonous.

A couple of Democrat Congressmen busted for sexual misconduct and a whole bunch more Republican Congressmen (or candidates) getting little to no heat for worse.

A constant complaint about fake news or rigged science compared to a constant stream of lies already objectively confirmed by counters as the most lies by a President in history.

The pot calls the kettle black.

Side: Republicans are CORRUPT

The pot calls the kettle black.

This used to be an adage. Now it is literally a Republican political tactic.

Side: Republicans are CORRUPT

When Trump bends over and takes the flag pole up the ass, his patriotism cannot be denied.

Side: Trump can do no wrong

"At that point, the names of eight lawyers on Mueller’s team had been made public. Three had made campaign contributions to Clinton, but none had worked for her. One had defended the Clinton Foundation in court for WilmerHale. And another represented a Clinton aide, also for WilmerHale." 2017/nov/03/sean-duffy/how-many-democrat-campaign-donors-special-counsel-

Side: Trump can do no wrong