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Debate Score:6
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Schools have many consequences to fighting and bullying, I think that if someone agrees to fight another person they should be able to fight without any consequences or being labeled a "bully" We are creating a society of victims, if someone picks on you or harasses you, punch them, why make such a big deal? 
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1 point

Even if someone agrees to fight someone else, a school is not the appropriate location. School is supposed to be a safe, friendly environment. How would you feel walking around a school where people are fist fighting everywhere you look? Violence is never the answer. Use your head and work out the problem. If you can't, get some anger management help.

1 point

Fighting is a bad idea. People often get injured far more seriously that expected. That's why it needs to be discouraged. "Agreeing" to fight someone is a bad reason to let kids make bad choices. Especially in a world where kids find it more and more acceptible to piss pound the face of their unconscious opponent, which can turn into murder pretty easily.

Violence is most definantly the answer to some problems. If someone is physically aggressive toward you, you physically stop them. That doesn't mean you punch someone for saying mean things. That doesn't mean you arrange a match for a bare knuckle solution.

It's appropriate disallow fighting in school, with leeway (or exception) given to those who act in self-defense (not retribution).

1 point

Because in the adult world we shouldn't punch people we disagree with, especially in a job type scenario, and while it happens there are repercussions. Schools are preparing you for the adult world. There is also such a thing as a one-punch-kill. What you think could be something as "innocent" as a fight could be a potential murder charge.

Yes you should defend yourself if someone is being aggressive to you but you have to know when to walk away and kids rarely have that ability. Especially when or if they are egged on by their peers.

1 point

Fighting at school is all part of the growing up process and prepares the students for the 'cut and thrust' of the adult world where everyone is vying for position in the pecking order.

Those who are exposed to school scuffles are better equipped to handle harsh 'dog-at-dog realities.

Even the small guy who stands his round and fights but loses will be more respected than the yellow bellies who won't fight or run away.

1 point

yes, but I believe fights should be agreed on by both participants.

1 point

I believe that people should be allowed to fight under close watch of a designated chaperone, they should wear some minor protective gear, but if you do not fight, it will just result in more anger and deep seeded hate.