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KingBlack(223) pic

Scientists offer public $1,600 to crack cold case.... Crack the ICE



Why does hot water freeze faster than cold water?

Aristotle agonized over it fruitlessly in the fourth century BC

Another Bacon, Francis, wrote in his 1620 Novum Organum, that "slightly tepid water freezes more easily than that which is utterly cold" but could not explain why

Descartes was defeated by it in the 17th century AD

Even perplexed 20th and 21st century scientists and intellectuals along with King Black have swarmed over it without result.


Now we scientists and smart ones come to you all to help figure it out...


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If scientists cant even figure this out, how can they so confidently say that global worming is caused by man? I'm just saying.

KingBlack(223) Clarified
1 point

Because when I let one go, I assure you that the earths atmosphere gets some degree warmer.

ChuckHades(3197) Disputed
1 point

I think mountains of evidence and peer reviewed papers is what gives them confidence.

1 point

There is plenty of evidence to the contrary, peer review dose not make things indisputable. It is an on going scientific study that is being corrupted by positions world wide. Haven't you ever questions it, any of it, at all? If not I think thats pretty closed minded of you.

nummi(1432) Clarified
0 points

global worming

I do dislike the though of being overrun by worms...

Global warming is not caused by men, it is a natural process, although we have accelerated it significantly.

1 point

One reason is because some of the hot water has evaporated causing it to have less mass which makes it faster to freeze

1 point

This might be ridiculous, but if the molecules are spinning faster in the warm water, when met with cold, they will slow faster. However, if the water is already cold, the molecules won't have to slow down as much, so they will slow down slower. Thus, the molecules in the warm water slow down faster and freezes first. Just a theory! Also, convection currents differ between warm water and cold. This may help the warm water cool faster.

1 point

I remember going over something like this in a physics class, but I couldn't remember what we were talking about exactly.

So I did the next best thing and that was to google it. I found this

KingBlack(223) Clarified
1 point

I seen that to but its not an exact answer as to why it happens as when you get to around the halfway point it states after summing it up that there still is no real explanation as to why it happens. Hence the reason scientists of today are offering 1600 smackarooos to anyone who can figure it out.

1 point

Think of the water molecules as cars driving. In hot water, the molecules move very rapidly, while in cold water, they move very slow. Now view the freezing temperature as the brake system. Going from a higher temp. to a freezing temp. will cause the molecules to react like a speeding car slamming on it's brakes. The molecules slow down at a faster rate than as a moderate moving car, gently pressing the brakes.

Also, the byproduct of heat is already being released for the hot water, so using the energy to slow down the molecules comes naturally. For the cold water, energy that must be used to slow down the molecules is also warming the cold water (very minuscule, however still there).

Just my thoughts, comment if you please.