
Debate Info

Be Conservative Be Liberal
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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 Be Conservative (5)
 Be Liberal (7)

Debate Creator

Grenache(6053) pic

Sell me on going Conservative or Liberal

People tell me get off the fence.  OK, once and for all give me your best argument for why I should side Conservative or side Liberal.  I can't promise I'll go either way.  In fact I'll probably not be persuaded, because I've heard your sides ad nauseam.  But hey, you've got nothing to lose.  And potentially you could gain a voice for your side on this site.  (And hint, insulting me or moderates is not a good strategy for winning someone over to your side).

Be Conservative

Side Score: 5

Be Liberal

Side Score: 7
1 point

Be Liberal.

Side: Be Conservative

Don't be conservative. Don't be liberal. all BS is BS (all Belief Systems are Bull Shit) You will find nothing on EITHER side other than bias, echo chambers, and cult like ideological brainwashing.

Side: Be Conservative
1 point

(Insert insane rant filled with lies about late term abortions here)

Side: Be Conservative
1 point

Gee.....I wonder who you're talking about. I feel like I should know but....hmmmm.....


Side: Be Conservative

Be Conservative so that your children have something that still resembles America to live in when they grow up. But mainly because the left isn't actually liberal anymore.

Side: Be Conservative
1 point

Be Conservative.

Side: Be Liberal
1 point

Damn i gotta admire your powers of persuasion ^^ ,

Side: Be Liberal
1 point

Lol. I do try! ;D

Side: Be Liberal
1 point

I'm a social liberal and fiscal conservative, nominally. Socially, I'm pretty far liberal - neither the government nor others should have a say in what you do yourself as long as it only involves you and other consenting adults. The issue starts when you do things destructive to the environment, which affects us all. Anything you do to help your fellow man - or the environment - is generally good.

These are generalities, of course.

Fiscally, I believe that the best government is the smallest government that effectively gets the job done, and done right. That necessarily involves a lot of checks and balances, usually referred to as regulation. The jobs of the government are manifold, to carry out the Constitution, and realize the concepts behind the Declaration of Independence. I accept that there is a lot of gray area there, and a lot of debating to be done, as to what the proper balance is. Investment into the future, is, in many cases, extremely fiscally conservative! Keeping the environment clean and healthy, in the long run, is, again, fiscally conservative.

Side: Be Liberal

People tell me get off the fence

They also tell you that you are not on the fence, but you don't listen to them. The fence between left and right does not reside on the lawn between Conservatism and Liberalism. You are trapped in a position which you do not even realise is a position.

Side: Be Liberal
1 point

The only thing conservative that has "trickled down" since Reagan is Boehner's tears! They have had 60 or more years to come up with a health plan that would protect AMERICANS from unscrupulous medical and pharmaceutical capitalists. They do NOT WANT TO. They are using "The Art of the Deal" to sell Americans on a tax "cut" for the middle class that only exists as a smoke screen to cover what they are TAKING with the other hand! They don't give a DAMN about "middle class Americans" ... except as talking points! "Permanent" tax cuts for the rich ... "A few of yous guys get a "promised" tax cut for a coupl'a years ...(See, we keep our promises!) We can't spend much on our infrastructure, we have a Great Wall to build! Really? A second rate "gang" is much more important to stop than an economy is to START?! "Our conservative capitalists will bring back TRILLIONS from overseas!" When they have made RECORD PROFITS through most of the Obama years they would STILL not invest in America! Ghina and the cheap labor countries are different! He said today, "They'll invest in machinery." Yep, robots, made in the far east ... to do OUR JOBS! Do YOU really want to be a supporter of that Trumped up party??

Side: Be Liberal
1 point

Be liberal, it requires less brain power ;)

Side: Be Liberal