
Debate Info

He's heading that way. Mass exodus of the wealthy.
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:5
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 He's heading that way. (1)
 Mass exodus of the wealthy. (2)

Debate Creator

Ahoghill(1452) pic

Should Biden be allowed to withdraw money from the bank accounts of the rich?

Bungling Biden has been publicly asking a lot of questions such as;- 
How come most of the richest people in the country pay zero income tax?
How come that the nation's top 55 Companies pay zero corporation tax?
He goes on to ask, how is that fair? 
The bumbling old idiot has been in politics for decades with his party being in power for long periods and he's asking the general public these questions, rhetorical questions of course as he knows the answers.
The rich can have their accounts and tax returns compiled by top professional auditors and/or accountancy lawyers,  such as (LOOPHOLE. LOOPHOLE & LOOPHOLE) who will ''ALWAYS STAY WITHIN THE LAW''  but will ensure that their clients don't give the profits of their entrepreneurial skills to finance the handouts to the hordes of low lives swamping our country, the work-shy filth, the street-people and funding the likes of A.O.C.'s socialite Champaign parties.  

He's heading that way.

Side Score: 1

Mass exodus of the wealthy.

Side Score: 3
1 point

Biden and his radical socialist filth are starting to run out of other people's dosh with which to finance their CULTURE OF HAND-OUTS which involves housing, feeding, educating and giving medical treatment to the 100s of 1000s of stampeding criminal immigrants whom he has openly invited into the country, at our expense.

So, he can see his grand plan hitting a brick wall (no pun intended) due to running out of taxpayers dosh and has decided that MILKING THE WEALTHY WILL ENABLE TO CONTINUING SQUANDERING THE NATION'S TAXES.

Side: He's heading that way.
2 points

Should Biden be allowed to withdraw money from the bank accounts of the rich?

No because they'll just stop producing, and then you'll have nothing to tax. This is why Margaret Thatcher pointed out that Socialism fails when there's no one left to steal money from.

Side: Mass exodus of the wealthy.
1 point

What the stammering, stuttering senile old fool has missed is that the wealthy corporations will relocate their businesses elsewhere once the tax goalposts are moved and the super rich individuals will deposit their $ billions (OF LEGALLY EARNED MONEY) ''off shore''with foreign banks.

When the corporations relocate 100s of 1000s, perhaps millions of jobs will go to the wall and dumb Biden and his DImocrats find they will have to issue $trillions extra in welfare checks.

Along with the job losses the skills and technology will also be lost.



Side: Mass exodus of the wealthy.