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Should Christians embrace evolution?


Side Score: 20


Side Score: 16
1 point

Only the intelligent ones who value reason and science above dogma and superstition. Otherwise, by all means please do continue in the vain of irrational and unsubstantiated belief against all evidence and reason. Ignorance clearly suits you better than knowledge.

Side: Yes

Some do. They see evolution as the mechanism God set forth to truly ensure his creations would have a prosperous life they make themselves, in a world that they can continually augment.

Side: Yes
1 point

Sure. they embrace other things that are against God, so I doubt that this would be different.

Side: Yes
1 point

Lol I know like eating pork, shellfish, having sex before marriage, working on Sunday's, tattoos, watching porn, not giving 10% of there earnings to the church, the list goes on, lol But I guess it's a matter context, well that's what they would say anyway.

Side: Yes
1 point

so true. :)

Side: Yes
1 point

Evolution doesn't discount God, nor the idea of creationism. I see no reason why a Christian should not embrace evolution, at least on a level that mankind has progressed and is involved within a process called LIFE. There really is nothing more to it.

Even God itself said it "created" life with a process, as humans came after a couple things were created before it.

So really, what's the problem?

Side: Yes
2 points

Satan made humans for sexy time in Garden of Eden where sexy Eve lead Adam astray and he choked on apple and got deep voice magically and that's why men have Adam's apples :D... Oh sh*t I forgot to add science...

Side: No

If they want to be a strong true christian then they don't have to. It shouldn't really be forced upon them since it contradicts their religion. Naturally if a christian wants to accept evolution then sure go ahead or if he denies it then sure be my guest. It just their opinion on how the world works.

Side: No
Jace(5211) Disputed
4 points

Does being a "strong true christian" preclude reconciling Biblical inaccuracies with science and reason? Just curious.

While ignorance annoys me, I generally get over it if other people choose to live their lives by it. However, what bothers me with the relationship Christianity so often has with evolution is that the denial of the truth of evolution frequently goes hand in hand with shoring up prejudicial beliefs about the "right" or "natural" way for people to be. I see an all to easy and frequent connection between Christians who deny evolution and Christians who use their creationist views to persecute and discriminate against others. It is the point where ignorance starts to hurt other people that something ceases to be an opinion, and I think that denying evolution leads all too easily to discrimination based upon and supported by ignorant beliefs.

Side: Yes
2 points

What I mean is that its up to the person. The christian has the right to just assume that the earth is only 6000 years old. Or he could do whatever. They might not view the bible as innacurate. It just depends. I wouldn't go bashing evolution on them. I would leave it alone. I don't mind if you think Zeus made earth. I dont mind if you think jesus never existed is true. It depends on the person and wheither they want to accept it or not.

Side: No
Warjin(1577) Clarified
1 point

Very true. I'm to the point in my life where I truly don't give a shit anymore, if people want to believe this stuff so be it, I try to help people see things with reason , but only if they want, if people don't want my help or refuse other views of the argument then there loss, be closed minded for all I care. I however will not stop evolving to become the best human-being I can be using reason, logic and compassion.

"If you could reason with religious people, there would be no religious people."- House M.D

Side: Yes

No, embracing fact is just SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaavage.

Side: No
1 point

The Bible clearly states that the Earth was created in 6 days, whereas evolution requires billions of years to have happened.

Side: No
Warjin(1577) Disputed
1 point

The bible also made many references that the earth was flat.

Point is the bible is just a book of primitive man trying to make sense of things the best why they know how at that time.

After we have proved that the earth was not flat and that earth was not the center of the universe many Christians had to reevaluate there beliefs or be laughed out of town, same holds true with evolution.

Religion has to adapt of die, that's pretty much how life works, if religion wants to bring any new followers they better start taking science seriously or say good by to that religion.

Side: Yes
Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

And your point is what precisely? The way I see it, evolution has evidence and the Bible has none; which explanation do you truly expect me to believe?

Side: Yes
Quocalimar(6470) Disputed
1 point

If that's the case what world would you like to live in?

The one that created by someone who could smite you in a glance, that was made hastily in under a week.

Or the one that was made by unbiased forces that was balanced and made over the course of millenia.

That might I add, is continually evolving, getting better, rather than staying the way it was created, then left.

Side: Yes
trumpet_guy(503) Clarified
1 point

If you go back to the Hebrew, the word day is actually very illusive.

Side: Yes
1 point

They shouldn't embrace anything they don't want to. Why can't you atheists just leave Christians alone what the hell is your problem?

Side: No

A Christian can embrace it but a Christian should not be forced to believe in it.

Side: No